41⇢first bliss

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A month is all there is left for Jinyoung to worry about getting through with. On the other side of thirty days, graduation awaited and so did his future with Jaebum. On the first day of the month, Jinyoung wakes up early. He steps over Jimin's foot who was trying to rub away sleep from his eyes, making his way downstairs to refill his bottle of water.

"Bitch," the younger boy shouts a bit too loud to be considered acceptable in the Park household.

Jinyoung wearily looks over his shoulder, curses back first and then drops a half-hearted apology as he sneaks out of the house. Jimin looks on and on, dumbfounded at his hyung's antics lately. He couldn't rat out to their sleeping parents because he had previously cracked a deal with his hyung. And all Jimin had to do was waiting the exact number of days as Jinyoung in order to get rid of him.

So Jimin silently refills his bottle and drags his body back to the bedroom.

The days seem to float by on Jinyoung's favor as he finds increasingly fruitful opportunities to hang out with Jaebum and rest of his friends. To make things better for him, ajumma decides to go visit her married daughter living in Daegu, entrusting the whole house to Jaebum and Jinyoung who has managed to make it his own home. 

The coast is clear.

Routines are wordlessly set. Jinyoung works out in the morning or jogs around the block when the weather is pleasant enough. He hardly finishes his breakfast at home leaving his thoughtful mother behind to worry about her son's outgoing personality surfacing out of nowhere. Doesn't matter if he has eaten or not, Jinyoung knows that Jaebum will always keep aside something for him when he arrives. But eating is the least of his priorities.

Jinyoung clings to his boyfriend the moment he enters the house, tasting freedom like never before. Within the four walls, he is a king. Jaebum and he could literally do anything without any interruption or fear. But Jinyoung has stopped talking about sex altogether, finding contentment in whatever he got without asking. After he had placed himself in Jaebum's shoes, trying to understand his point of view, Jinyoung realizes that having sex was a big deal for him as well as Jaebum. They just couldn't strip and choose to bang against the wall like any horny individual would prefer to do. From what Jinyoung has known so far, he could tell that it wasn't Jaebum's cup of tea. He is always insightful, thinking two steps ahead of Jinyoung. So, Jinyoung helps him around the house and at times accompanies him to the coffee shop, taking a table at the farthest corner to drink at the sight of Jaebum serving coffee to the endless row of strangers. Their eyes meet from time to time, smiles are exchanged. Jinyoung has taken up reading a lot, a habit he has contracted from his intellectual lover. He carries a book or two with him to spend the time doing something productive during Jaebum's work hours. He just couldn't obsessively stare at Jaebum brewing coffee. Actually, he could but Jaebum was not too supportive of this idea.

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