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A distraction. 

Jinyoung found it to be a much prestigious tag than being called a deranged stalker.

After that day, a dying flame has been reignited and he wasn't allowing anyone to extinguish it this time, not even Jaebum. He could have asked the other boy the reason behind calling him a distraction but Jinyoung knew that he won't be able to make Jaebum answer it right away. Because that was typical Im Jaebum after all. But Jinyoung has taken a new path, a path on which he was about to do pretty much everything he has never done before. Digesting all the insults which escaped Jaebum's mouth for him, Jinyoung moved on to his next mission.

He wanted to know Jaebum, his past, his present and definitely make himself worthy enough to stand by his side in future. So he put his rookie stalker skills to use since Jaebum has accused him of a great many things even when he wasn't responsible for their chance encounter back in  Gyeonggi-do. When Mark calls him, stressing over his sudden disappearance from his grandma's house, Jinyoung lies gracefully, claiming to be down with flu. Whereas in real he was utilizing three days of the holiday by spending excess hours on the internet. Jaebum wasn't active on social media platforms, which prevented Jinyoung to obtain his address and that lead him to subtly follow Jaebum back to his home one day. Asking his three friends or anyone else was too suspicious at that point. 

Paranoia has started circling around him for some reasons.

A day before the reopening of school, Jinyoung found himself sitting in a coffee shop, which for a change, wasn't owned by his father. Swirling a spoon into the cup he looked out of the window and by the stroke of luck, he found Jaebum walking down the pavement. Carried solely by his instincts, Jinyoung left bills on the table and stepped out without finishing his coffee, carefully following Jaebum's trail. Jaebum's posture was always a bit hunched over, usually with hands lost into his pockets and he mostly wore cargo pants other than the usual school uniform. A bag of what appeared of being full of groceries swung in his grip. He walked obliviously to Jinyoung maintaining a safe distance between them and matching steps with him.

It was easier to stand on the moral high-ground when he never had to struggle through anything tangible except grades and minor loneliness before Jaebum happened to him. Then Jinyoung surveyed his life to find out how much he has matured mentally and physically, how his pattern of thoughts changed over a fortnight. Deep down he believed Jaebum was still a mystery to him and he didn't really act like his real self. To clear his doubts he had to do this, he had to find out more about Im Jaebum's life. Trying to justify his actions while hiding at the end of a street, Jinyoung watches Jaebum entering a house but not before calling someone ajumma loudly. Rest of his view was blocked by the door closing behind Jaebum.

Another period of waiting, another test of patience and past all that Jinyoung finally finds Jaebum stepping out of the house, unwrapping a pink lollipop and putting it into his mouth. Jinyoung realized he was out of time. He has failed to determine a hiding place in case Jaebum comes down the one-way road, so immersed into figuring out what went inside the house that he forgot to do something about himself. Before he could turn around and run for his dear life, Jaebum has already caught him shuffling behind the cherry blossom tree at the edge of their yard.

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