Chapter 28- gracy

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[here is the 3rd and most likely the final part of the little gracy 'series' i have going! c: don't worry, I'll most likely write more gracy bc you all love it. btw follow me on twitter @grasersgiggle ;) also this one is in graser's pov]

Zach was laying on his bed, scrolling through his indirects on twitter. It was another one of those days where you have the energy to get up and go do something, but no opportunities arise so you end up just walking around your house searching desperately for an activity to fill your time. It was currently 5pm, which in Zach's opinion was the worst time of day. It was too early to go out for the evening with friends because it was still bright out, and too late to find an afternoon activity because then you'd miss dinner. So there he was, wasting minutes and filling them with mindless scrolling and unimportant worries.

That was until he got a Skype message from Stacy. Before even reading it his mood was immediately uplifted. Stacy was fun, Stacy was interesting. Surely she would make him laugh, even for a moment. The Skype message read "Zach, wanna Skype? I'm deathly bored. We don't even have to talk, I just need to know someone's there."

That widened his smile and made his stomach flutter. He typed back quickly "Sure thing! Can I call you now?"

She replied with an "Of course!" and picked up his call on the second ring. "Hey Stace!" he greeted. "I'm so glad you messaged me, I was bored too."

She smiled that warm smile of hers, and the conversation continued. They discussed mostly stuff on the cube, like modded cube and upcoming group events. Then the topic changed to one more personal.

"Do you ever feel alone?" Stacy blurted out, then clamped her lips together and blushed.

Zach furrowed his eyebrows for a moment, then said tentatively. "I-I guess. What exactly do you mean?"

Stacy was silent, looking fixed down at her keyboard. Finally she said "You know, like you don't fit in anywhere. You feel like no one really gets you. I know you are obviously like the center of the cube and uhc group, so you probably don't get it, but-"

Zach broke off her rambling. "Hey. If you ever, and I mean ever, feel left out in the group, tell me, because I can invite you to recordings with the guys whenever." Stacy tried to jump in at this point, but Zach barreled on. "And maybe now I have my friends that I fit in with, but it wasn't always like this. Back in high school, I had barely any friends. Nobody got my humor or anything, but now, now these guys get it. And I'm so happy to have them. To have you."

They were both silent. There are a lot of types of silences. There are cold silences, awkward silences, tense silences, and blazing hot silences that are tainted with ragged breaths. This silence was warm and comforting, and lasted a long time. Stacy and Zach just stared at each other, understanding and connecting.

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