Chapter 23- gracy

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[this is a follow up to my last gracy chapter. If you haven't read that, please go back and do so! :) thank you again for 3k reads, I love you all!]

It was a few days later, and Stacy was continuing work on her stables. Her mood wasn't nearly as cheerful as last time, she had gotten to the part of the build where she was just repeating the same pattern again and again, which was something she always found tiresome and excruciating. 

She was active on twitter while she was working, taking breaks every couple of minutes to refresh her timeline, desperate for something interesting to spark her mood. After about half an hour of repeating the steps of building her pattern a few times, checking twitter, taking a long drink of milk, and starting from the beginning, a tweet caught her eye.

Graser had mentioned her in a tweet. "@stacysays I see you on the cube! >:)"

Her heart sped up, and she cringed at the memory of her and Graser's last interaction on the cube. She checked frantically to make sure he wasn't hiding in the teamspeak like before, but she was in luck. His teamspeak name of "Etho" was under the list of inactive [I have no idea how ts works, oops :p].

She took another long drink of milk, finished her glass, then tentatively typed back her response. "@Graser10 Are you planning on joining me, or simply stalking my every movement?"

He replied back with a brief "LOL" and then she saw the name "Etho" jump from inactive to available. She heard his mic click on, and his loud voice sounded. She could tell he had just finished laughing by the pure joy and breathlessness of his voice. She gulped.

"Hey, Stace, whatcha' working on?" he inquired merrily. "Stace." she repeated in her head. 

"I'm still building my horse stables." she replied, trying as she might to sound casual.

"Still?" he joked, "C'mon now, Dolphin finished the whole museum in 6 hours!"

She was silent, looking for a witty reply. After the pause grew to the point of being heartbreakingly long, she managed to blurt out "Yes, but didn't the museum need a lot of work afterwards? I intend for my shop to be perfect right off the bat."

"Ooh! Roast!" Graser laughed out.

"Where'd that even come from, Graser?" she asked, trying to keep their conversation steady.

"I don't even remember." he admitted. "And I told you to go ahead and call me Zach off camera."

"Oh." she muttered. Why'd he have to bring up that day? It was hard enough keeping the cringe-worthy incident out of her head as it was!

"It's fine!" Gr- Zach hurried to say, sensing that she was upset. "Most people just call me that. You can still call me Graser if you want!"

"Oh no! I-It's fine! I'll get used to it, I'm sure." she said back. Yep, there goes the comfortable feel of the conversation. Great, add it to the list of ruined talks with Graser (I mean Zach).

She heard the ding of a phone, and after a short pause, Zach (there we go) said, "Oops! Gotta film factions with the EV! Wish me luck!"

"Just pretend you're a superhero and you'll be fine." Stacy assured.

Zach laughed heartily. "Thanks for the tidbit! NIce talking to you as usual Stacy, good luck on your horse shop!"

"It's not a horse shop, it's an Equine Emp-" she began, but he clicked off as she was speaking. 

She blinked, staring blankly at her computer monitor. She sighed deeply. "I mean, it wasn't AS bad, right?" she muttered to herself.

[so many people wanted gracy so I don't have a specific person. Comment if you want a part 3!]

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