"Thank god." Suga says taking off his jacket and sliding open the van door going in. "Skirts fucking suck, no offense [Y/N]," You looked at him confused but he continued, "like one single wrong move and its either balls out or ass out in those things." Suga ranted on while cimbing into the back of the van to finish changing.

To protect your virgin eyes you stayed up by RM's door, "I fully agree, except with the balls part."

"After Suga's done you can change back there too." RM said putting his shades back on.

"One, I'm not changing. Two, even if I were going to change it wouldn't be in the back of a van that's within a mile of three guys. And three, reasons one and two." You said while counting off your fingers.

"So then what are you wearing?"

You looked at him a bit puzzled then down at you school uniform. You took your cardigan off and tied it around your waist. "Ta da, club ready."

RM looked you over head to toe, which made you squirm a bit. "Is this the part where you tell me you have a dress in your bag."

"No, because all the bag has in it is the Ace suit." You said as you tossed the bag into the van without looking.

RM groans a bit, and looks over to Jin. "Tell Taehyung we need him to-"

"Already on it." Jin says while texting away, to Taehyung mostly likely based on how may emojis are being sent from the other number on the phone screen.

"Taehyung's on his way with the others." Jin says before putting his phone back in the cup holder.

"Can I ask what the mission is?" You asked propping your elbows against RM's open window leaning in a bit.

"We're going to Sweet Sin Club."

"It sounds like the kind of place you'd get hepatitis A through Z at."

"It is, but besides the point. We're going because other gangs will be there. That way we'll get recognition for BTS." RM says while pulling his sleeve back a bit to check his wristwatch.

"It's kind of like going to your high school reunion and showing everyone who used to shit on you, what's up." Suga said stepping out of the van in a black suit. His jacket had a detailed velvet design, and he had a perfectly smooth white button down with a black tie. For an asshole, he cleaned up really nice. You'd give him only that much credit.

Suga finishes fixing his sleeve cuffs and looks over at you smirking a bit, "Take a picture it'll last longer." You stuck your tongue out and rolled your eyes. Turning back to RM you asked more questions about tonight's mission. You use the term "mission" loosely because you doubt it'll be any but that.

"Also no weapons. Club rules." RM says.

"Oh okay, in that case then, I'm not going." You reply with. Club rules or not you're not stupid enough to walk unarmed into underground gang territory. That's like a baby lamb walking into a den of wolves. Stratch that, hyenas, they're more sadistic than wolves. You doubt RM would just say 'welp okay, get home safe kiddo.' so you instantly thought of other ways to strap weapons on yourself.

"You're going. Because one, I say so. Two, I can make you go. And three I will personally pat you down, thoroughly." RM said while smiling cheerfully, mimicking the way you counted off your fingers eariler.

Returning the same smile, you matched his tone, "You do number three and I will shove your head so far up your own--" You were cut off mid-threat from the rthymic honking off another car pulling into the alleyway. You looked at the black car before looking over at Jin and RM.

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