Mona Lisa | Implies

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Mona Lisa | Implies

Ever since Zayn had sketched Nurah last month it felt like he has been given so much inspiration and motivation. He had so many sketches of her in his journal. Most of them were for when he first sketched her in the tub that morning after they made love for the first time. Others are when she was around and he would secretly sketch out the structure of her pretty face and the neck. And the others were more exotic like lovely curves of her body, the stretch marks on the surface of her breasts and backside, and the arch in her back that he found really sexy about her.

After he had his sketches he chose his favorite one and jumped right into the project. This time, the portrait was going to be bigger than his usual paintings. He had to use a ladder to reach some high places, but it was coming together. Every chance he can get he worked on the masterpiece little by little. From working on small projects, helping Sayve out, and spending time with his Nurah and now that it's mid December and New Years Eve was coming up around the corner he knew that he had to manage his time right.

The thing was when it came to his big project is that he didn't want Nurah to see it. She wasn't allowed to go upstairs and she wasn't able to see which sketch he was painting. It confused her and made her anxious because she wanted to see how it was going to turn out, but Zayn told her no. One time, she even tried sneaking past Zayn to see the painting but sadly he caught her and it had a white sheet over it too. He assured that it was coming together but it just didn't settle with her.

"Why can't I see it?" Nurah whined with a pouted look on her precious face. She sat on the couch next to him, giving him the puppy dog eyes in hopes that he'll at least let her peak at the painting. Afterall, the portrait was of her.

"Because I said so," Zayn replied calmly as he continued to sketch in his journal, not daring to look at her eyes because he has been keeping his guard up for a very long time now and he wasn't going to collapse into her trap.

"Zayn," she whined sitting up to start kissing the side of cheek and nibbling on his ear. "Please?"

"Don't say my name like that," he mutters scooting over a little bit.

Nurah then swung her leg over his lap and straddled him, purposefully batting her eyelashes at him since he was looking at her, "Baby please?"

"And even don't call me that either," Zayn deadpanned. Then looking away from her to continue his sketch of some random shaped clouds.

"Daddy please," she purred leaning forward and kissing underneath his jaw, her hands running down his bare chest and back up again. "I'll do anything, please?"

He raised a brow at her, closing his sketch journal for a moment. Putting it to the side just to grope her ass and pull her closer to him, "Anything?"

"Yes, anything," she beamed, hoping that her begging had worked.

" can start by leaving me the hell alone and stop askin' me to let you see the painting, okay? Okay," he then pushed her forehead and allowed her to fall off of his lap onto the couch.

"That's so unfair!" She whined punching the cushions of the couch.

"Yeah, I know right? What a bummer," he remarked sarcastically.

"Why won't you let me see it?" She asked, being a bit more serious this time.

"Why are you asking about it so much babe? I thought you wanted to be my muse?" He frowns softly. "Are you having second thoughts about this?"

"Of course not babe," she sighed, straddling his lap once more and looping her hands around his neck. "I just..I'm a little anxious about it."

"How come?" He asks gently, wanting to get to the bottom of this.

"I told you. I just don't think I'm pretty enough," she sighed out again with a shrug. "Like, what if they think I'm weird looking? Or what if they don't like and all of this is just a mistake?"

"You worry you too much," Zayn groans wrapping his arms around her waist.

"I know," she sighed for like the third time today.

He kissed her lips softly, pulling away only a little bit so that their foreheads would be touching each other, "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?"

"Like on what's on the outside?" She asked looking up into his pretty eyes.

"No, inside and out my angel," he spoke pressing his lips against gets again. "I adore you, and I think you are so gorgeous."

With that being said she hugged him tightly and pulled him in closer, "You're the best," she hums.

"That's all I wanna be," he murmurs kissing her cheek.

"M'sorry for worrying and bothering you," she apologized pulling away to look at him.

"It's fine, I get it. If someone would to paint me and I didn't get to see it then I would be freaking out too. But it's going very well, I promise that I got you baby," he assured her soothingly.

Nurah blushed, giggling like the inner teenage girl that she was, "I like it when you call me that."

"You are my baby, no?" He cheesed as his hands went back down to her ass again.

"Yeah," she grins dumbly.

"So like..we're in that phase, right?" He asked massaging on her backside.

She raised an eyebrow at him, "What phase?"

He instantly grew nervous for some reason, and immediately tried to play it off, "I dunno, I was just sayin' stuff."

"Yes you do. Now say it," she pressed giving him a look that little did she know had him crumbling underneath her stare.

"Are we like in the dating phase? Cos' I don't say 'baby' to just any ole' body," Zayn says to her as his eyes wandered somewhere else.

"And I don't call anybody 'daddy' to no random scrubby ass nigga so I guess we're both on the same page," she laughs.

"Oh..but that still didn't answer my question," he murmurs looking back at her again.

"You're so cute," she laughs, eyes squinting as she did. Then she started to smirk, " tryna date me?"

"Yeah duh," he snorts, trying to act cool again. "I'm tryna show you off in a few weeks and tell everybody that you are my girl—aka my cutie with a fat booty."

"Okay, 'dats enough," she laughs pressing a hand to his chest.

Next thing you know he had flipped her on her back against the couch, crawling on top of her to press his crotch between her thighs, "You're my freak that can make me leak."

"Zayn stop," she groaned trying to push him off of her, but sadly it was not working and she was growing tremendously heated, as well as getting aroused by his print pressing up against her like this. And she could not control this man.

He continued on with a goofy grin on his face, You're my chick then can suck my d—,"

"Okay, okay! Yes! We're dating!" Nurah exclaims, trying stop him from saying anything out of line.

"Yay," he softly cheered. "I knew you always were gonna say yes. I just wanted to hear you confirm it before I just assumed."

"Ug, I'm already falling for you already and I fell like I'm gonna die," she groaned running her fingers through his hair.

"At least you'll die happily, right?" He beamed.

"Yes, of course," she smiled before kissing him.


i plan on finishing this book tomorrow , just wanted to give y'all an update on our babies .

- BookOfBandz

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