Chapter 11

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Love Remembers

Chapter 11

*****Letty’s POV*****

I was walking along the hallway back to Georgia’s hotel room with the food that I just retrieved form the hospitals cafeteria. I just can’t believe this would happen to my best friend. But I can’t show any weakness, I have to be strong for Georgia and Jake both. But to do that I can’t show any feelings about it, but that’s not any different than what I normally do. I’m almost always hiding something from people, whether is my mom and my newfound dad, or Georgia herself. All of a sudden I was snapped out of my phase by yelling and screaming coming from down the hall. I started slowing my pace down until I heard what was being yelled. Then I took off in a dead run.

“Let me just talk to her a bit longer please that’s all I ask!” Jake yelled desperately to the nurse while being pulled away from Georgia’s room by security.

“I told you how many times now sir, you are not authorized to do that!” She yelled back in response.

“But, I’m her boyfriend, I need to get in there and see if she’s ok.”

“Sir you talked to her for how many minutes until we realized you were in her room.” She yelled now angry herself.

“Excuse me,” I interrupted. “Aren’t nurses supposed to control their issues while on duty and focus on the patients? I think I’ll take my friend here now and leave you to get back to work.” With that I left the nurse and the security with shocked looks on their faces, and grabbed Jake and pulled him away from everything.

“Jake what exactly are you doing?” I asked him pulling him down to sit beside me on a couch in the waiting area.

“I don’t know, she doesn’t remember me anymore and no matter how hard I tried to jog her memory in there it just didn’t work. It only made her pull away from me more.” He replied putting his head in his hands.

“Hey, hey,” I began, pulling him into a hug. “You can’t rush it, the doctor said her memories are supposed to come back on her own.”

“I wasn’t trying to rush it though, she just started flipping out.”

‘I know that’s because she went into shock from being overwhelmed with everything. You got to remember this is all new information to her.”

He just let out a sigh and said nothing in response.

“Jake, look at me,” I told him and gently tilted his head up where he could. “It will be ok, I promise you that. Just trust me ok?”

“I’ll try but I can’t guarantee anything.”

“That’s all that I ask for, you understand that?”

“Yea, But I just don’t know what to do about everything else. How will I even get Georgia to remember me, and what if she never does? What if that portion of her memory is like a puzzle piece you found when you were cleaning your room, and you threw it away. Then two days later your find the almost completed puzzle but there’s no piece to put it all together?”

“That’s why you’ve got to try, even if it means making her fall for you all over again. Then if all else fails, at least you can say you’ve tried. Now common, I need some help from you.” I reassured him, and stood up pulling him with me.

“What would that be? I just got discharged after they pulled me out of the room.” He asked brushing his hands off, somewhat cheered up but not quite.

“I’m going to have Georgia stay with me at my house instead of being home with you. I’m scared that would be too much right away. But I wanted to see if you could bring some of her stuff over to my house that way everything would be there when I brought her home.”

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