Chapter 5

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***Jakes POV****

I heard a little gasp come out of Georgia's mouth before I got to the pen.

"Babe what's wrong!?" I asked worried, and picking my pace up to a jogg. Somthing was wrong but she wasn't answering me. Was it something I did while kissing her? Or was something wrong with Bo?

I skidded to a halt outside the wooden stall doors and grabbed Georgia who was now sobbing uncontrollably and pulled her to my chest running my fingers through her soft blond hair. Then I glanced in the pen.

There laying on the ground was my favorite cow Bo's lifeless body. A small cry escaped my lips that I couldn't hold back. But I kept the remaining ones in as I held on to Georgia, I couldn't let her see me break down although it's prolly best. If she saw me break down it would only make it worse.

So I held it together while Georgia got it all out, but after so long of hearing her cry I couldn't take it anymore.

"Georgia, Common le'ts go in the house you need to rest."

"No" She mumbled against my chest.

"Darlin you shouldn't have even been the one to find him. It shouldve been me. Now common let's get you in the house."

Then I picked her up and carried her bridal style back to the house. When we got to the front porch I set he down on the porch swing. So I sat there holding her for a bit, and after a little while her crying stopped.

"It will be ok darlin. Just trust me on this alright?"


"Here let's go inside and you can get washed up to go to bed and rest up. After this long day thats exactly what you need. You've been through alot."

"Mmmhmm." She mumbled again into my chest.

Carefully I lifted her up and walked into the house with her and into the bedroom setting her down on the bed. Then I walked into the bathroom to get a washrag wet for her to wash her face off.

As I was filling the sink up with warm water I leaned back against the door and slid to the floor.

Taking my hat off to run my fingers through my hair I hoped and prayed that everything would be ok, I really did.

I glanced up and saw the water rising to the top of the sink, so I reached up and shut it off. Using the counter I pulled myself up and grabbed the washrag and rung it out, then I pulled the plug letting the water drain. Carefully and quietly I turned the door knob and peeked back in on Georgia who was still laying on the queen size bed.

I walked over towards her, my boots leaving footprints on the carpet and reached down to brush a piece of hair out of her face. She was breathing steady and softly snoring. So I grabbed a blanket of the end of the bed and draped it over her sleeping body.

After laying the wet washrag back on the bathroom counter for me to use when I wanted to wash up, I went and grabbed my guitar by the dresser on my side of the bed.

Carefully sneaking out of our room as to not wake Georgia up I went to the front porch and plopped down on the top step.Going through a mini playlist of songs in my head I finally settled on one I liked and started strumming the chords.

"To this day when I hear that song I see you standing there all night long

discount shades store bought tan, flip flops, and cut off jeans

somwhere between that setting sun I'm on fire and born to run

you look at me and I was done, and we're just getting started

I was singin to you you where singin to me I was so alive never been more free

fired up my daddys lighter and we sang ohh.

stayed there till they forced us out

i took the long way to your house

I can still here the sound of you sayin do go

When I think about you I think about seventeen,

I think about my old jeep,

think about the stars in the sky,

funny how a melody sounds like a memory,

like a sound track to a July Saturday night,


After I finished the song I put my guitar down and pulled out my phone and called Chris.

"Hey bud," I said when he answered the phone.

"Hey Jake whats up?"

"I got a favor to ask ya if ya don't mind?"

"No problem I owe ya one because you drove me home when i was dancing along the road when I was hammered last month. God worst hangover ever!"

"Ya ya, I told ya not to worry about it but I need help digging a hole."

"A hole for what?" He asked obviously confused.

"For Bo, he passed away tonight and Georgia found him."

"Are you serious? After all that girls been through these past few months?"

"Ya I know but I just wanna get him out of the barn before tomarrow mornin cause I'm gonna take her away."

"Sure bud no Problem I understand. What time do ya want me to come round?"

"Maybe five- five thirty, will that be ok?"

"Sure! See ya then."

"Mmk. and thanks Chris."

"Yep no problem."

Then I hung up and grabbed my guitar and walked to the barn to make sure everything was off and closed up. As I walked in I heard the cd player still on.

"Make me come alive come on and turn me on.

Touch me save my life, come on and turn me on.

Im to young to die, come on and turn me on."

Sometimes I wonder what Letty does in her spare time, I really do. I thought to myself shaking my head and turning the cd player down low and putting in my cd mix. George Straits check yes or no came crackling through the speakers.

"Now thats better." I said to myself and finished shutting up the barn and turning off everything that was supposed to be off.

Finally I headed back towards the house with my guitar that I left by the barn door. When I got to the house I opened the screen door and stepped into the living room. taking off my boots and leaving them by the door I headed back towards the bedroom to find Georgia still sleeping but under the comforter and all washed up. So she must've woekn up and washed up at some point while I  thewas gone.

All the lights where off except for dim one we kept on in the bathroom for when we got up in the middle of the night. Using that as my only light I went and washed up and changed into a pair of boxers. On my way to bed I hung my cowboy hat on the back of the door.

When I reached my side of the bed I peeled back the covers and layed down next to Georgia wrapping my arms around her in the process. Eventually I drifted off to sleep.


***Attached is the actual song that Jake played on the guitar. I love it <3 and a picture of Chris***

Sorry I am lat at uploading!!! I feel horrible but I had dance recital and I had to finish up school but being on summer break I think I'll have more time to upload.

Teaser: Jake and Georgia going away? and who's Chris?

Next upload: Hopefully soon!

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