Chapter 1

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I was making supper when I felt strong arms come up behind me and wrap around my waist.

"Hey darlin'" Jake said resting his chin on top of my head.

"Hey babe." I replied continuing to stir the spagetti.

"Whatcha cookin good lookin?"

"Spaghetti and meatballs, chicken, and potatoes."

"Chicken? Why allways somin' chicken?"

"Well I almost allways make chicken because someone felt bad for the Baker's for not sellin any of their chickens. Then that someone went and had all fifty that he purchased butchered."

"Well still cant ya just make ribs once in a while? It would be greatly appreciated." He said letting go of me and going to sit down at the table and read the daily newspaper.

"Nope," I began. "Not unless you save some of the ribs for me to eat."

"I don't know what your talking about, I almost allways save you some ribs!"

"Mmhmm and theres the catch almost allways." I told him as I turnt around and pointed my spatula at him.

His eyes widened, as he tried to stand up to take a step back only to fall over his chair.

"Your such a dork Jake."

"Ya, I know. But remember hon, I'm your dork."

"True very, very true and I wouldn't change a minute of it." I told him going over to give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Aren't you going to help me up?"

"Nope your a big boy Jake do it yourself. Plus the foods going to burn if I dont get back to the stove."

"Fine. Hey after I eat I got to head on out to Logan to take some cows over to the Pardi's. Will you be ok here or do you want to come along? You can allways visit the Grahams if you want while we are in town."

"I'll be ok here I'm going to see if Letty can come over, she said someting thin' 'bout needng to get away from James. Aparently he has a friend over, who honestly knows."

"Ok, well lets just eat ok? because I am starved and that spaghetti is startin to look really good."

"I'm feelin ya there." I said handing him his plate and sitting down with my own.

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"Are you sure you'll be ok? You don't want to come?" Jake asked looking me over as to make sure I looked ok.

"Yes I'll be fine, I promise. Letty will be here with me. I won't be all alone."

"I know but still with all the roberies going on around our area has me worried." He said gazing off into the field. "F*****g collages are where the people are coming from."

"I know but with Letty here we both will be fine, you know she allways keeps the shotgun by her now that her house was robbed and she had to stab the guy in self defense."

"True, but just promise me you'll be careful and will call me if anything goes wrong."

He worries too much about me but I can understand why, his best friend Aaron's house was robbed and Aaron's little sister was stabbed when they found her trying to call the cops.

"Hon I promise I'll call ya if anything starts to go wrong" I reassured him kissing him on the cheek. "Now get going the Pardi's need their cows."

"Alrighty babe love ya."

"Love ya too."

"By the way I got your Jason Aldean cd with me!" he yelled starting down the drive in his truck.

"You better give it back!"  I yelled back, jumping up and down so he could see me.

"We'll see." I just barley heard back from him.

After he was long gone down the road I called Letty.

"Hey Letty, you able to come stay the night? Jake went to Logan to take some cows to the Pardi's."

"Sure! I'll be right on over!"

"You driving?"

"Yep! And I'll try not to wipe out the fence this time!" She said laughing.

"Ok you just do that Lett. See you soon!" I said and hung up.

Letty is my best friend, she has been for two years now. She's a year younger then me, but is older then me by far if we where judging by wisdom wise. She helps me with any problems I have .

After I hung up I headed into the barn to check on Bo.  He hasn't been doin too good here latly. Jake''s been caring for him for about two weeks and he hasn't gotten any better.

On my way to his pen i turnt the radio up some. we allways kept a battery operated radio in the barn for the animals to have somethin to listen too. As soon as I turnt it up I heard Taylor Swift ending.

"Someday I'll be big enough so you can't hit me and all your ever gonna be is mean. Why you gotta be so mean?" I sing the last lines as I grab a pail of water for Bo to drink.

As I near his pen he starts to make noise, most likly thinking I'm Jake, his owner.

"Hey buddy, It's just me." I told him, slipping into his pen.

Then I saw him, he was laying down on his side, without any water and trying to reach the bucket thinking maybe there would be more in it.

"Here," i told him putting the bucket I brought with me by his head. "Try this. You'll be ok Bo. The vet will be here on Sunday to check on ya."

With that he let out a moo.

"GEORGIAAAAAAA" Letty practically screamed running in the barn.

"OH MY GOD LETTY!" I said jumping up, "You about gave mea f*****g heart attack!"

"I know" She said doubling over from laughing so hard at my reaction.

"Well lets just go in the house now. I only came out to check on Bo."

"No! Let's stay in  here,we got radio reception down here. Plus we can clean up Abby's stall."

"Ok, but it's your horse. So you will be doing all the cleaning." I said jumping up on the hay bails in the corner.

"Fine.." She grumbled. "But let me put this cd in!."

"Woman it better have some country on it!" I told her as she popped the cd in the player. Letty isn't a fan of country all the much.

"Oh beleive me, it does." She said giving me a grin that kind of scared me. Knowing Letty you never knew what that girl was up to.


A/N ****** Attached to the side is a photo of Jake*******

Ok so it's kind of long but I'm trying to get a start on it.

I'm planning on hopefully updating this book once a week or maybe more. Who knows? but I will seriously try to update once a week.


Letty and a cd? whats on it? will Bo be ok?

Please rate and Comment!! :D Thankss!!

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