Chapter 3

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*Georgia’s POV*

“Letty?” I scream as I walk into the house.

“Where are you?” I scream to see if shell answer, but I hear nothing.

I walk through the house and into the kitchen where I gasp at the sight before me:

Letty is on the ground with cuts all over her face and a large bump on her head where she must have hit her head. I see a man standing over her.

“Who are you?” I ask, clearly scared at the sight of a stranger in my kitchen standing over my best friend.

“My name isn’t important, I called 911 and they are on their way, will you be ok here with her until they arrive?”

“I’ll be fine. But tell me who you are.” I say firmly.

“My name is John, I am Letty’s father.”

“Letty’s father is dead.”

“No, her mother just told her that because I left her at a very young age.”

“Ok but that doesn’t explain why you are standing in my kitchen looking like some creepy angel here to take Letty off to heaven in those white clothes you are wearing.”

He chuckled. “I was dropping in to see Letty at her house and her mother sent me here. And I happened to be waiting in the living room when she burst through the doors and ran into the kitchen not even noticing me. I heard a loud *Thump* and walked in on this.” He gestured his hands towards her.

We hear sirens wailing in the distance.

“I must be going child but I will be back I a few weeks to see her again.”

I turned to say something but he was gone. Just then, four large paramedics burst through my front door.

“She’s in here!” I screamed as I saw them running towards the kitchen I stepped to the side to allow them to work. They were working on her and before I knew it she was on a stretcher in the back of the ambulance on her way to the hospital. I ran and jumped into my truck and dialed Jake.



“What’s wrong Georgia?!”

“There has been an accident.”

“What happened!?!?!?!?!”

“Well to make a long story short… Letty scared me, thunder came, next thing I knew she was in a pool of blood with a stranger standing above her.”


“Ok let me start over, we heard thunder and so she went to go close the house windows and when I went in she was laying on the ground in a pool of blood and a man that was dressed in white that was claiming to be her dad was standing over her…” I paused for a breath. “And now she’s in an ambulance on her way to the hospital.”

“Isn’t her dad dead?”

“I thought he was… I’m just way too flustered to care right now.”

I said as I pulled into the hospital parking lot. “I’m at the hospital so I’ll talk to you later.”

“Ok bye, I’ll meet you there in a few hours.”

“Ok, bye.” I hung up my phone as I ran into the hospital.

“Where is the room for Letty Collins?” I asked an older nurse I saw sitting at the nurse’s station typing something into her computer.

“She’s in room 605 Ms.”

“Thank You.” I walked as fast as I could to the elevator and got in. The elevator seemed to take forever to get to the 6th floor but when it did I ran to the door and burst into her room.

“What are you doing here!!??”

A/N: Cliff hanger ;) 

 *** Also attached is a pic of Letty :D Let me know what you think :)

Hope this chapter was good :D More coming SOON!

Teaser: Who was in the room with Letty?

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