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 Love Remembers Epilogue

                “Piper!” I called out to my daughter, as I set the table for the four of us. By the four of us I meant Jake, Luke, Piper, and I.

                “Yes mommy?” My sweet little three year old asked as she stumbled into the room with her stuffed horse.

 I couldn’t help but smile at the sight of her. Her older brother was five now and I was pregnant with him a year after the accident and when I moved back in with Jake. Two years after we had Luke I found out I was expecting again only to about lose my baby girl when she was born early, but the hospital was able to save her. I still think to this day it was karma because of everything I’ve been through with my friends and family as I fought through it. For the good and the bad decisions I have made, I believe it was karma. But I try not to focus on the past as I move on in life I focus on the future.

“I was just going to tell you it was time to eat and have you get your daddy and brother from the barn and tell them for me would you?”

“Yes mommy!” with that her little legs went running taking her out the back door and towards the barn. Pretty soon I heard squealing and footsteps on the back porch and in came my husband and my two angels.

“Hey babe,” Jake came over and kissed me on the cheek. “What’s a cooking good looking?”

“I ain’t cooking anything because it’s done cooking.”

“Well then what did you make?”

“Food,” I responded with a smile.

“Well I figured that goofy,” He replied pulling me to him as the kids went and washed up.

I just laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Look at how far we got beautiful, we got two amazing kids and a lovely farm and I have an amazing wife.”

“While I have an amazing husband and kids” I responded and leaned in to give him a kiss while he did the same.

“Ewwww get a room!” Both of the kids exclaimed.

“I think I just lost my appetite,” Luke said causing Piper to laugh until he gave in and laughed himself.

“Oh you two hush!” I told then as I unwound myself from Jakes arms. “Now let’s eat.”

With that we all got seated at the table, said grace, and dug in.

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