Chapter Thirtyfour

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I tried to see what he was reading but it was blurred somehow. A second before someone touched my shoulder, I raised my head trying to see where Alan was standing. 'Europe' said the one big sign at the corner and a smaller second one, one or two meters away, was spelling 'Norway'.

I gasped quickly and was staring into Fynn's blue worried eyes. He had his hands on my shoulders and was pressing me against the shelf. What are you doing?! He asked me concerned and stared at me.

"I... I saw Alan, he's searching though a file at the Europe Norway part..." I stammered and suddenly Fynn stepped back again. Go to him, maybe he can explain it to you better. Then he suddenly turned around and disappeared in a cloud of pixels.

Heavily breathing I was leaning against the shelf and was trying to figure out what had happened and what he was meaning. Slowly I took a deep breath and stepped forward, following the rows of shelf's until I found the one, Alan was standing in.

Suddenly unsure about my next plan, I pressed myself against the bookshelf one row earlier, trying to think clear. Alan just learned about something Fynn was obviously hiding from him, but Fynn wants me to know it, even if Alan now knows it too.

//Why he can't just tell me?! Would be ways easier...// I rolled my eyes before I slowly walked around the corner heading towards Alan, who was still staring at the file in his hands, reading through it quickly.

Slowly, I came closer. "A...Alan?" I asked hesitant and came a step closer, unsure how he would react. Alan raised his head quickly, staring at me in a strange way, obviously not confused about the fact that I was here.

His eyes were kinda looking through me and I raised one eyebrow slightly confused. "Alan?" I asked him again, trying to figure out the reason of his behaviour.

"And I haven't noticed it all the time..." I heard him muttering so quietly, that I knew that I wasn't meant to hear it.

Suddenly, he blinked and started to realize that I was standing in front of him. His eyes widened a bit and he closed the file quickly, putting it back into the shelf.

I gave him a confused glance, seeing Fynn's name on the file. "Why you're looking at Fynn's file?" I asked him quietly, tilting my head slightly.

"Other question what are you doing here Chris?" He encountered, crossing his arms in front of his chest, glancing at me in a strange way. His eyes were darker than usual, but they were sparkled with different kinds of emotions.

"And I asked you why you're looking through your best friends file!" I countered in the same tone of voice and imitated his behaviour, crossing my arms and tilting my head. "Come one Christine, were not in kindergarten here. What are you doing here? This isn't a place where you should be."

His voice was calm, almost to calm and he put his hands in his hoodie pocket, still staring at me. I closed my eyes and sighed a bit annoyed. "I was bringing the backpack back when Fynn suddenly showed up, telling me to follow him and he brought me over here with the argument that there's something important in here." I took a deep breath.

"While I was walking around I saw that string thing again, walked into it and saw you standing here, so I decided to come over. And now tell me why you are checking your best friends file." My arms still crossed, I looked at him, waiting for him to answer.

Alan lowered and turned his head away. "I was checking something I got remembered of that's all." I raised one eyebrow but I knew that I wasn't in the position to force him to an answer. He looked at the thick file folder and sighed.

"Ryan told me that it's looking... Not good for Oli..." He whispered suddenly and looked up. My eyes widened. "Do you know who did this?" I asked worried, my eyes widening a bit, but the tall Norwegian in front of me just shook his head.

"No not yet. But if I'll find that idiot who did that to him..." He didn't finished the sentence and raised one hand, turning me around and gently pushing me towards the exit again.

"Can we leave please?" Alan's voice was surprisingly quiet and trembled a bit and I nodded. The metal door closed behind us and I carefully wrapped my arm around his hip, leaning my head against his shoulder while we were walking over to the elevator.

"Are you okay?" I asked him quietly, but he just nodded, calling the elevator with his left hand while he raised his right one to wrap his arm around my shoulders. "Where's your drone?" Alan suddenly asked confused, looking at me while metal doors of the elevator were opening slowly.

I chuckled, getting into the cabin and looked up to him. "Fynn told me how I can send it back to my room luckily." I answered calmly and leaned against his shoulder, being glad for the bit of warmth he was giving me.

"Oh okay." His voice trembled slightly and I took a deep breath. "Alan what did you found out there? You're almost a complete different person right now!" I told him emphatically, stepping away a bit and crossing my arms, staring at him.

Alan turned his head away. "Something I maybe shouldn't have found out." Was his not very helpful answer and I sighed annoyed. "You're worse than my best friend tho... I was able to get anything she's hiding from me out of her but you're solid like a rock!" I rolled my eyes, getting out of the cabin, breathing in the slight cold air.

"For a April afternoon it's quite cold." Alan's voice behind me noticed and I gave him a amused glance. "Wait we're having April already? I thought we were in December!" I joked and crossed my arms to keep me warm.

Alan rolled his eyes. "You definitely have been around Paul too much, now you started stealing his bad jokes already..." I chuckled, kinda glad that he seems to turn back to the old Alan I knew a bit.

"Come let's get a warm lunch for you, you're freezing!" He told me, pulling me into a tight hug and bringing me over to the second elevator. My eyes closed, I leaned against his chest and waiting for the doors to open again.

Alan was playing with my hands until the doors opened and he pulled me towards the cafeteria. As soon as we entered the gigantic hall, I was greeted by the normal noise, but also by different good smelling smells and I turned my head towards the buffet.

A small queue was waiting to get to the food, so I quickly went over there, grabbing a tray and a plate on the way and lining up in the queue. I know it would take a while until I'll get to the food, so I took a look around in the gigantic hall. Someone waved at me and I smiled a bit as I recognised Caro, sitting on a desk with Ingrid.

But Ingrid was just staring at the plate of food in front of her, her arms crossed on the edge of the table and her head lowered. It hurt my heart to see her like this. Alan must have followed my glance.

"She isn't doing well right?" He muttered quietly and laid his head down on my shoulder. I sighed. "Definitely not... I'll talk to her later again... Maybe Ryan told her something... That wasn't that positive she expected it to be..." Alan looked at me a bit confused.

"Ryan was with her?" I nodded and moved a step forward, Alan followed me slowly. "He came and I left them alone, because it seemed that they wanted to be alone..." I sighed and grabbed a fork to put some meat on my plate.

"I'll talk to him and you'll talk to her deal?" Alan asked me quietly, putting some food on his plate too and I nodded. "But first let us eat please okay?" He gave me a amused glance and nodded slowly. "Of course!"

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