Chapter 46 - Back to Jamaica We Go

Start from the beginning

"Austin was found almost dead in an alley. He is in the hospital. Ryan and I are on the way there now. I'm scared, Kam. What if he dies? Braelyn can't lose him. They were just reunited."

"Layla babe, hold on."

I waddled upstairs to find Cris. He just walked out of Braelyn's room.

"Cris, Layla says we need to come back to Jamaica. They found Austin almost dead in an alley."

"Hand me the phone." I gave Cris my phone so that he could talk to Layla.

"Layla, I'll book a flight to Jamaica for tomorrow morning."

"Thank you, Cris. I'll give you the number to Braelyn's school because she will need to be out at least the rest of the week."

I grabbed a piece of paper out of my bag and wrote the number down for Braelyn's school.

Cris' POV

"Kamea is calling the school now. We will be there. Think positive, Layla."

"I'll try, Cris. Thanks again, and I will see you guys tomorrow."

"I just got off the phone with the school. They understood that Braelyn will be out for the rest of the week."

"Thanks, love. And we can't say anything to Braelyn about what happened."

"Okay. Um, handsome, can you go to that Sonic we passed for a pickle slushie?"

I was hoping she didn't see that. "Sure, love. What else would you like?"

"A burger with no cheese. And for Braelyn, she likes hamburgers. Layla's list says fries are okay. And, she can have soda, as long as it is not after 7:00 pm."

"Okay. I'll be right back." Every time I visited New York, I have had run-ins with people. Hopefully, it is not like that this time. So, I made my way back towards the Sonic.

Kam's POV

It has been almost 30 minutes since Cris left to go to Sonic. What is taking him so long? It is New York. But, come on. These babies are hungry. I sat in Layla and Ryan's living room and watched my favorite shows, which just happened to come on.

Now, it is going on an hour. I started getting really irritated. So, I waddled to Layla and Ryan's kitchen to raid their refrigerator. I heard the door slam close, so Cris was back home.

"Shush, handsome. You are going to wake Braelyn up."

"Here is your darn pickle slushie you just had to have." He handed me the slushie and stormed off to the living room.

"Well, excuse me for carrying your twins!" Aren't I the one who is pregnant? Why does he have an attitude?"

"While waiting forever for that nasty thing, I found us a flight to Jamaica at 8:30 am. So, we are going to have to leave here, at least by 6:30 in the morning."

"Well, excuse me for being pregnant! I happen to like that nasty thing!" Now, I was mad and waddled my way into the kitchen.

The least he could have done was waited until I was not around to call it nasty. Hmph, why don't he try being pregnant with twins? Suddenly, I started crying. Then, I heard Braelyn walking toward the kitchen.

"Auntie, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"It is uncle Cris' fault that I am crying. Here sweetie. He got you a hamburger meal with fries."

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