(Jacks POV)

"Oh yes.. About that.. How? How Exactly did you do that? I managed to say only half stuttering.

In all my years I've never witnessed this. Another human with similar powers to mine. Yet it's not the same.

Her powers come from within her, and she controlled them on her own.
She needed no staff or tool to guide them.

Was she the winter guardian a millennia ago? Was she my predecessor? She had to get her powers from somewhere or something? As far as I knew, normal humans can't manipulate ice. I mean, if they could, I'd be out of a job.

She noticed my deep concentration, and her icy stare knocked me out of my thoughts.

"Thank you for your help, strange man. You saved my life and I am forever grateful. But I must be going, I don't where.... anywhere but here."
Her voice betrayed her sadness.

"No wait!" I cried.

I needed to know more about her. I have lived on this earth for more years then I can count and there's never been anyone else like me, Like her...

Still she did not stop, but simply kept walking.

"Where are you going? Do you even know where to go?"

"I'll be fine.. I took care of my sister and my kingdom by myself for years.. Now I'll just have to take care of myself."

I could not help but feel sorry for her.. Everyone she known and loved is gone and there never coming back..

Her future was ripped away from her like mine was from me or so I thought at the time.

I could tell there would be no stoping her so I decided it was time.

With one swift motion I lifted my staff and pointed it at her back that was. And willed my staff to do my wish.

In a split second there was I great big wall of ice blocking her from leaving.

I heard a loud gasp from in front of me.

"What? You...No...wait what?

She gasped as she whipped her head around to face me faster then I thought humanly possible.

She brung her hands out In front of her, and in a blink of an eye there were sharp pointed ice pieces that were all around me blocking me from moving in anyway, a blockade of a thousand icy swords.

"you have about 30 seconds to explain to me who you really are." she said in a icy tone.

Oh, so saucy.

"The names Frost, Jack Frost and I am the winter guardian."

"Nonsense... And I am the Tooth Fairy, Tell me the truth." She said with mock sarcasm.

Woman. don't understand them and never want to.

"I know the tooth fairy, personally. And honey, your not her."

Her nostrils flared, I definitely had annoyed her because in another split second, the Icy spikes and swords that surrounded me drew nearer, just inches from my body.

"That is the truth!" I held my hands up sincerely.

"Let's say it is. What's your game?"
Her voice still as icy as her powers.

"No game. I was just flying over when I saw......"

"Flying?" She cut me off, disbelief in her voice.

"Did I stutter?" I said sarcastically which just made her ever more annoyed.

"Why did you bring me back!? What do you want from me!?" She yelled as if it were all my fault.

"Nothing..I swear it's just a big Coincidence"

Her expression softened a bit.

"So if you are some Guardian, which I don't believe by the way. Are you human or what? "

"I am.. Or I was.. It's all very hard to explain"

"I have nothing but time" she said, crossing her arms.

"I was once human. I was born about Centuries ago. I went ice skating one day with someone, and that someone fell through a crack. I used my staff to help that person, but as I saved her I slipped in myself. The man in the moon saw my act of selflessness and rebirthed me into The guardian of winter and occasionally, fun."

"Fun? You don't seem that fun to me." She cracked a small smile.

"Neither do you."

I said pointing at the sharp ice all around me

Soon the ice spikes around me were retreating.

"Sorry." she apologized.

She looked back at her ruins of a kingdom and her small smile disappeared.

"All I wanted to do was keep her safe and I failed." She sighed sadly.

"I know what's it's like. That awful feeling in your stomach." I said, stepping closer.

"How could you?" She shook her head.

"That someone I saved... That was my little sister." I explained.

"Oh.." She replied, looking me in the eyes, we shared a look of understanding.

I looked at her and she looked so destroyed. Her whole world was shattered. Seeing her like that was absolutely awful. Then a sudden thought occurred.

No no..Should I? Could he?

"I know somebody, who maybe just maybe, can help get you home. This time you won't fail."

"What do you mean this time?" She puzzled, not comprehending.

"We are going to bring you back." I stated, resting both hands on my staff.

"Bring me back where? And who's 'we'?" She asked again, confused.

"Me and the man in the moon. And as for where my lady. Your one and only kingdom of Arendelle."
Please read 👇

Hope you Guys like this chapter. I have been working on it for about 3 days. I would like to take a moment to thank all the people who vote and comment. You guys are great. If you like this story and the way I write it then please go check out my new book (looped in time) it's running low on votes and reads so I could really use your help.. Thanks guys💕 Also I would like to point out that this chapter was done by me (Mariska) my Co writer (Geekpower1) writes the Anna chapters . So when it's a Jack and Elsa chapter you know it's me😏. If you have any Ideas or suggestions feel free to comment.. Maybe your idea or suggestion will end up in the actual story..

Until next time😘 (Mariska)

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