Chapter 6- Field Trips and New Worlds

Start from the beginning

 Then out of nowhere a man came out of the trees. He had a big green point coming out of his hair. He also was wearing green and brown clothing. 

"W-Who are you?" I said reaching for my sword. 

"I am here to help you, you do have blue flames correct?" He said. 

"How did you know that?" I asked.

"Oh, were are my manners! I am Amimon! What is yours?" Amimon asked. 

"My name is Akumu." I said. 

"Well, I am here to take you away. Akumu." He said. 

"Why?" I asked. 

"Well, Father needs your help." He said.

 "Who is Father?" I asked.

 "He is your father, Satan." Amimon said.

 I needed to get away. I didn't want to get involved in this. But, Amimon grabbed my arm before I could run away. 

"Now, Now. Don't be afraid. I can help you." Amimon said. 

"Let me go!" I screamed. I tried to pull out of his grip but he was too strong. Then he covered my mouth. 

"Shhh, let's not attract unwanted attention." He said. "Now, you should see Father." I felt something hit my head and began to feel dizzy. I fell down.

 Then Amimon walked away. I had to get help before I passed out.

 I reached into my bag that was now laying on the ground. I took a match and a flare. I lit the match and put it against the flair. 

After a couple seconds the flare took off and bursted in the sky. 

Then everything went pitch black.


All I could see was darkness. I then saw a light.

 I knew this had to be a dream. But, I was attracted to it. I walked towards it. 

When I stepped into the light I heard a voice. 

"Hello, daughter." The voice said. 

"A-Are you Satan? My Father?" I asked. 

"Indeed I am." He said. 

"Why are you in my head?" I asked. 

"Because, I want to show you this." He said.

 Then I was in the middle of a forest, snow was everywhere. I looked around and I saw a cave. A wolf was walking towards it. I followed the wolf. 

There, inside the cave was a woman. She had three babies cuddled against it. There was two boys and a girl. One of the boys was surrounded in little blue flames. The girl had massive blue flames surrounding her. 

"Take her and run, before they get them." The woman said.

 I thought she was looking at me but I realized she was looking at the wolf. The wolf took the baby girl and ran. 

I took one last look at the woman. She didn't look like she was breathing. She was dead. 

I ran after the wolf and followed it. It ran for a couple of miles and stopped at a orphanage. There he placed the baby down on the doorstep. 

Then he put his paw up and rang the doorbell. By then the flames that surround the girl were gone. Then the wolf ran away. 

I looked up at the orphanage sign. It was the same one I grew up in. Then I saw the light again. 

The Girl in Flames [A Blue Exorcist FanFiction] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now