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Mia looked at Iain as she put Poppy into the pushchair. She sighed. "You're gonna be okay with Daisy?"
Iain nodded. "Yes babe. Me and Sam are gonna chill. Princess is gonna be here too. She won't leave me side," he said.
Mia agreed. She saw her sleeping baby girl and smiled. "Well, we won't be too long. It's too hot for Poppy," she said

Iain walked over to Poppy and kissed her head. "Be a good girl for mummy."
Poppy giggled and threw her shoe on the floor. Iain laughed and put it back on.

Mia and Olivia left with Poppy. Iain smirked at Sam. "Hold Daisy a moment."
Sam took the newborn into his arms. Iain grabbed her bath seat. "What?"

Sam watched as Iain began to empty the living room. He came back in about 20 minutes later with the deflated paddling pool. "You're not setting that up in here are you?"
Iain nodded and grinned. "Yeah. This way, we can relax in the pool and still play fifa," he said.
Iain filled it. Sam put his prosthetic feet in the pool. Iain put Daisy in the chair. He dipped his feet in too. Daisy slept soundly.

Mia met with Olivia and her kids. She smiled.
"Hello you," she said.

They went to get something to eat. Olivia and Mia ordered for them all.
"So, anything new?" Mia asked. She saw the look on her face.
"What have you done?" Mia asked.
Olivia sighed and looked at him. "I'm pregnant. It's not Sam's," she mumbled.

Iain got fully in the pool. He turned on his PlayStation. He put the bath chair in the pool too. Sam laughed. "Mia is going to kill you."
Iain nodded. "Maybe so. But she loves me."

Mia couldn't believe it. She sighed. "When did it happen?" She asked.
"A few weeks ago. I didn't know what to do," she mumbled.
Mia nodded. "It's all going to be fine. I promise you that now. We'll sort all this out. You're not alone chick."
Olivia began to cry. Mia hugged her tightly.
"Shh you're okay. We've got this," Mia said.
"I don't want to go back to David. But he's so sensitive I can't say no to him," she sobbed.

Sam smiled at Iain.
"I'm taking Olivia away for a weekend. I want to have another kid. I'm going to talk to her about it," he said.
Iain looked at him. "That's great! How you managing with the prosthetics and the controller?"
"Slow but getting there."
Iain grinned. "That's Good mate. You're an inspiration to us all," he said.
"Thanks pal."

The two girls were walking around the shops. Poppy was babbling to herself. "I can't believe she's one and a half," Olivia said.
Mia grinned. "Tell me about it. She's amazing though."

Iain and Sam were playing on the PlayStation. Iain grinned. "I'll get some beers. We'll keep them in the pool."
Sam laughed and nodded.

They went into the toy store. Poppy wanted out of her pushchair. Hannah took her over to the dolls while Mia and Olivia took Luke to the boys section.

"I don't know what I'm going to do," Olivia mumbled while she put Luke's selection into the trolley.
"What would you like to do?"
Olivia shrugged. Luke grinned. He handed her a car he wanted.

They went over to the girls section again. Hannah and Poppy had some dolls they wanted.

Olivia put them into the trolley. Mia put Poppy into the pushchair. Hannah held Mia's hand. Luke held Olivia's hand.
"You need to talk to Sam somehow," Mia told her.
Olivia nodded. She knew it was all she could do.

A few hours later, Mia and Olivia pulled up outside Mia and Iain's. Hannah carried Poppy inside while Luke toddled behind.

Mia went inside and opened the living room door. "What the?"
"Alright babe."
Mia was gobsmacked. "Iain, do you want to tell me why there's a frigging swimming pool in my living room?"
Olivia walked in and began to laugh. She couldn't believe it.
"Oh my word!" she laughed. Mia glared. She picked Daisy up from sitting on the sofa in between Iain and Sam.

Poppy toddled in and stomped her bare feet in the pool. Mia looked at Iain.
"Lighten up babe!" Iain complained.

Sam smiled at Olivia. Olivia didn't smile back. She walked out to the kitchen to get the kids some snacks and drinks.

Mia looked at him. "You emptied my bloody living room. There's a pool full of water in my living room. Babe, I love you but this? This is weird."
Iain nodded. "It's ideal though."

Mia walked through to the kitchen. "Iain is an ass."
Olivia nodded. "I can't even look at Sam. How can I be expected to tell him?"
Mia sighed. "You could tell him the baby is his? He won't know. David won't need to know?"

Olivia knew Mia had a point. She hugged her. "Thanks. For being so understanding."
"We're besties. Besides, who else do I have to rant to about Iain bringing a frigging pool inside!"

The girls walked back into the living room. Iain was fully submerged in the pool. Mia groaned. "That's not even funny now."
"Look at it like this, Poppy's loving it."
Mia nodded. "Yes. Because she's a toddler and toddlers all want indoor swimming pools!"
Poppy sat on Iain's lap. She giggled and splashed him. Sam got up. Mia went over to him.
"Cheer Oli up. She's down," Mia said. Sam nodded.

He went through to the kitchen. Olivia was cooking. She kept laughing when she heard Iain and Mia arguing about the swimming pool.

Hannah and Luke ran in. Hannah tapped Mia's leg.
"Why uncle Iain put that in here?" Hannah asked. Luke held Mia's hand.
"Good question."
Mia looked at Iain again. Iain grinned.

"Because. We wanted to sit in the pool but we wanted to play fifa too. It's a win win."
Mia nodded. "How the hell do you intend to get this out?"

Iain's face fell. He hadnt thought about that. Mia nodded. "Ha!"
Iain groaned. "Babe. Come on."

Sam smiled at Olivia. "You okay?"
"Yep. Never better. Go back and enjoy yourself in the pool."
Sam sighed. "Come on. It'll be fine."
"I'm pregnant," Olivia mumbled. Sam grinned.
"Our baby! We're having a little baby."
Olivia looked at how happy he was. She didn't have the heart to tell him it wasn't.

Sam kissed her passionately as Iain came in to get buckets with the kids and Mia.

Mia smiled at them.
"What's got you two so happy?" Mia asked.
"We're having a little baby!" Sam said. Iain hugged him.
"Congrats mate!"
Mia looked at Olivia and smiled. "It will be okay," she mouthed.
Olivia nodded.

In that moment, everything seemed fine. But would it last?

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