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Iain woke to his daughter poking him. It was Poppy's birthday and each day she got a lot more cheeky. "D-Dada!"

Iain smiled and sat up. He sat her on his lap under the duvet. Poppy started sucking on her dummy. "Mummum?"

Mia walked in and grinned. "Birthday girl!"


Mia grinned and climbed into bed with Iain and their little girl. Poppy held her teddy close and began falling asleep. "Iain, wake her up," Mia mumbled.

"Come on sleepy. You stay awake," Iain said. Poppy groaned and cuddled into him. Mia lifted up a present.

Poppy grinned through her dummy.

"Me?" Poppy asked.

Mia smiled. "Yes sweetie. Open it and see what it is."

Poppy sat down in between Mia and Iain. Iain grabbed his phone to take a photo.

She opened it and saw a Barbie doll. She squealed with excitement. Mia smiled. "There's lots more downstairs baby."

Iain carried Poppy downstairs. Mia had gotten Poppy a giant balloon. "Ooo!"

"You like?"

Iain sat on the floor and helped Poppy with her presents. Poppy was still learning to walk. "I've got a new paramedic joining me today," Iain said as he changed Poppy's nappy.

"Olivia mentioned something like that," Mia said as she picked up the wrapping paper. "Is it that nice man Josh?"

Iain nodded. "He helps out. But it's someone else."


Iain sighed. He pulled on Poppy's pyjama bottoms again.

"It's Sam Nicholls," Iain said. Mia nearly dropped Poppy's plate of toast. Iain had told her about her affair with Sam.

"You what?" Mia asked.

Iain nodded. "Yeah. Her."

Mia sighed. She gave Poppy her toast and made sure she didn't choke. Iain sighed. "Babe. Trust me, she's got nothing on you."

Mia nodded and kissed Poppy's head.

Eventually, Iain and Mia went to the ED. Everyone wanted to see the birthday girl. Poppy was chewing on her hand. "You're eating yourself baby."

Poppy babbled and finished eating her hand.

When they arrived, Iain took Poppy out. She laid her head on his shoulder. "Daddy loves you but don't drool on my favourite jumper," he said.

Poppy giggled and chewed on her dummy. Iain kissed her cheek.

They went inside and Charlie walked over.

"Here's the birthday girl," Charlie said. He handed her a present. Poppy was sat in the staffroom. Mia helped her unwrap it. It was a huge teddy.

"M-Mumma," Poppy said with excitement.

Olivia and Sam came in. Sam was in the wheelchair.

"Hello you," Olivia said. She had a gift for Poppy too and a cake that Mia asked to be baked.

Poppy giggled and looked at Olivia. "Anks!"

"Aww. I love her."

Luke walked over and kissed Poppy's head. Mia grinned. "Aw! That's so cute!"

Iain pouted. "That's my baby he's kissing," he mumbled.

"Shut it."

Iain walked out to the paramedic station. Sam was there. "Look what the cat dragged in."



Iain hugged her tightly. Sam hugged him back.

Mia sat with Poppy, Luke, Hannah and Sam. Olivia was working.

"They're so cute," Mia said as she bounced Hannah gently.

"They are."

Mia smiled. "How are you feeling today?"

"Good. I'm sorry I couldn't give Poppy a hug."

"Don't be silly," Mia grinned. "She loves you."

Iain hadn't told Sam about him being with Mia and having Poppy. "So, have you settled down yet?" Sam asked.

Iain shrugged. "I guess so."

"Lucky girl."

Mia took the kids to the crèche. She got changed and went to Olivia. "I cannot believe my baby is one."

"Me either. It seems so long ago that she was a poorly preemie," Olivia said.

Mia sighed. "Have you seen Iain?"

"Not yet. He's on duty at the minute," Olivia said. Mia nodded. Olivia knew Mia would be worried Iain would get back with Sam.

They came in with a casualty. Mia and Olivia went to them. Sam winked at Iain. Mia noticed and glared. She snatched the sheet from Sam's hand.

"What do we have?" Mia spat.

Iain knew he had done wrong by not telling Sam about Mia.

"He was trapped in the boot of a car," Iain said as he placed a hand on Mia's butt. "Babe, can I talk to you?"

"Sod off."

Mia began working on the patient. Olivia sighed and looked at Mia. "I'm guessing he didn't tell Sam about you?"

"Clearly not."

Iain was cleaning the ambulance. Sam walked over. "Hey."

"Hi," he said.

"So you didn't tell me you were dating that girl," Sam said.

Iain shrugged. "Well, why should I?"

Mia and Olivia got the man stable. Mia took off the gloves and stormed out.

She went outside and grabbed a coffee. Iain was there.

"Hey baby," he said.

Mia glared. "It's our daughter's birthday so I don't intend on arguing with you. But maybe you should inform the woman you had an affair with that we're dating."

Iain sighed. "She knows. I didn't tell her about Poppy."

Mia scoffed. "You ashamed of her or something?"

"Course I'm not. I just don't want her knowing about my little girl," he said.

Mia looked at Iain. "I'm pregnant."

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