Twenty three

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Mia knew that her relationship with Iain was tense. She knew that since Poppy had been hurt in the hospital. It had been hard but she did want to make it work. But it wasn't easy.

Mia stood in the kitchen with Daisy. She smiled as she looked to her and smiled. "Mummy loves you so much baby, I am never going to let anyone hurt you or let you down. Unlike Poppy," Mia said.

Iain walked into the kitchen as she looked to him and frowned. "What?" He asked.

"What are you doing?" She asked as he stood in his uniform.

"I am going back to work. What does it look like?"

Mia smiled. "It looks as if Poppy isn't even out of hospital. And you're off to work," she said.

Iain looked to her. He sighed. "I have a family to support Mia. Don't start this please. We talked about this," he said.

Mis looked to him and sighed. "We did. I thought that you were joking. She's not even home until tomorrow. I thought that your priorities were better then this," she said.

Iain looked to her and frowned. "Don't go there. Not when it was your so called friend who abused Poppy."

Mia looked to him and glared. "Screw you," she spat as she stormed off.

She was angry. She couldn't believe what he was saying. And that he was trying to blame her for this.


Mia got to the hospital. She was sat by Poppy's bedside. She looked to see Aimee as she walked in. "Cal has Daisy. It's his day off. Maybe it will change his mind about us having one," Aimee said.

Mia smiled. "Or make him want one more."

Aimee looked to her and frowned. "Are you okay? I know you. I know that there is something bothering you. You know that you can talk to me," she told her as she took her hand.

Mia looked to her and smiled. "Things with me and Iain are hard. We are fighting a lot. And he basically blamed me for Poppy. For what Olivia did," Mia said.

Aimee frowned. "He's being a jerk. I know it's not easy. But you are not to blame for this. I know it's hard .but you aren't to blame," Aimee said as Mia looked to her and smiled.

Mia knew how none of it was easy. And she hated how he had blamed her.


Mia smiled as she looked to Poppy. She was sitting eating McDonald's. "Where daddy?" She asked.

Mia smiled. "He has to work. I'm sorry baby," she said.

Poppy pouted. She put her chicken nugget down. "He always work."

"I know. But it's so he can buy you some nice dolls for when you come home," Mia said.

Poppy smiled. "I like toys."

"Oh I know. And when you get home no one is going to hurt you. I promise," Mia said.

She knew how she and Iain had to stop arguing for her sake. But she had no idea as she sat there with their daughter, that he was having sex with someone else.

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