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Mia still hadn't forgiven Iain for cheating. Mia had got Poppy home. Iain was given all of his things but he stayed outside in his car. He never left Mia or Poppy. Mia refused to let him in though.

That morning, Mia was feeding Poppy. Iain knocked the door.
"Mia, can I come in?" Iain asked.
Iain sighed. He sat on the doorstep. He was freezing. He didn't want to push Mia to let him in.

Mia burped Poppy and put her in her basket. She looked out of the window and seen Iain half asleep on the doorstep. She felt bad and opened the door. It had been nearly three weeks since she had thrown him out. Iain was too tired to look up. Mia helped Iain up and brought him inside.

Iain was shaking. Mia laid him down. She put a blanket over him. Mia went to the kitchen and got a hot water bottle. Iain held it close to him.
"I'm sorry," Mia said.
"I-I deserved i-it," Iain mumbled.

Mia held Iain tightly. He was starting to warm up but not by much.
"How's Poppy?" Iain mumbled.
"She's doing good. She misses her daddy," Mia told him.
Iain smiled. "I miss her. I'm sorry for Alicia."
"Don't worry, I get to give her hell today," Mia said. Iain chuckled.
"First day back?" Iain asked.
Mia nodded. "Oh yeah. She's getting it today."
Iain laughed and cuddled closer to Mia.

Mia got Iain some paracetamol to try to prevent a cold happening. She brought him warm clothes.
"I'll be okay to mind Poppy," Iain told her. Mia smiled and kissed him.
"I'll be back at lunch."

Mia got to the ED and seen Olivia.
"Hey you," Mia said. Olivia smiled.
"Hey. How's Poppy?" Olivia asked.
"She's brilliant chick. You've got no idea how much of a blessing she is in my life."
Olivia smiled. "That's good. What about Iain?"
"He's really ill. I should have let him in sooner," Mia mumbled.
"Don't feel bad. He'll get better soon."
"Yeah. How's Sam?"
"He's getting used to his arms and legs. He's loving it. It's great for the kids to see him like that," Olivia told her.

Mia and Olivia began to work on some patients. David smiled over at Olivia.
"You and David?" Mia asked.
Olivia laughed. "He's booked Sam and I a weekend away. It's a surprise so he has all the stuff for it. We're friends."
Mia giggled. "Just double checking."
"You're too good to me."
"Oh I know!" Mia said. Olivia smiled.

Mia went home at lunch time. Iain was holding Poppy. He was still wrapped up.
"You look like an Eskimo!" Mia laughed. Iain turned around and smiled.
"A sexy Eskimo though," Iain said to her. Mia laughed.
"I suppose so."

Mia would be lying if, after everything, she said she didn't love Iain. She still did and she knew she did. Iain placed Poppy back into her Moses basket. He went over to Mia and tried to kiss her. Mia moved her face to the side. Iain's lips hit Mia's cheek.
"I want to take things slow after what happened," Mia said. Iain nodded.

Both of them knew they needed to take things slow. But they also both knew that they couldn't resist each other.

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