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Mia woke when she realised Daisy didn't wake for a feed. She sighed and climbed out of bed. She paled when she saw that her baby wasn't there.

Mia walked out the hospital room. She hoped Iain had taken her down to the ED. She frowned when she saw Iain. Empty handed. "Where is she?"

"Where's who? Poppy's with Olivia," Iain said. He frowned. "Mia. What's happened?"

Mia was shaking. "I-I can't find Daisy."

Within moments, hospital security were searching the whole hospital. Mia was crying as Dixie walked in. "I heard what happened."

"Yeah. You and half the hospital," Mia mumbled. She looked at Iain. "I'm going to kill whoever took her with my bare hands."

Dixie looked down at the floor. "Dix?"

"I saw Rita about an hour ago. She was looking distressed. She kept looking back at her car," Dixie said.

It was then that they realised Rita had taken their baby girl. Iain rang Olivia and told her to keep Poppy close.

Mia and Iain were trying to find Rita. "Why would she take her?"

"It's simple babe. When me and her were together, she wanted my baby. I used condoms though. She never got pregnant," Iain said.

Mia scoffed. "Great so the mad ass bitch took my baby cause she's jealous?" She asked.

Iain nodded and sighed. He kissed Mia's head. "We'll get her back. Oli and Sam are keeping Poppy with them and they've locked their house up."

Rita stood on Holby Pier. She held Daisy. "Your daddy and me used to come here. He loved it here. Now, mummy will bring you here and hope that she and daddy can be together again one day."

Daisy started crying. Rita tried to soothe her but it wasn't working. "That's not gonna work Rita."

Rita turned to see Iain standing there. She smiled. "You found us?"

"Yeah. She's my baby girl Rita. I'll always find her," Iain said as he took a step towards her. He sighed. "You can't take a baby like that. She's not yours."

Rita rolled her eyes. "Mia is just a kid herself! This precious little baby needs someone who can truly look after her. Mia has a baby. She has Poppy."

Iain sighed. "Mia is her mum and I'm her dad. She has an older sister who's the best little girl on this planet."

"We could raise them both Iain."

Mia was being comforted by Dixie. Dixie smiled. "Iain will get her back. I promise."

"I don't know. Rita wants a baby," she mumbled.

Iain took a step closer. "Look, Rita, you and me didn't work out for a reason. We're too different. You've got the chance to find someone who loves you. Someone who will give you your baby. But you can't have Daisy."

Rita frowned. "Her name isn't Daisy. It's Dolcie-Faith."

"No. Her name is Daisy-Rose," Iain said as he walked over to her. "Let me have her."

Rita handed Daisy to Iain. She realised one thing as the police handcuffed her. Mia wasn't going to win.

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