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Iain couldn't believe he and Mia were going to have another baby. He was excited to have a second child. He hoped it was a boy.

Iain woke that morning, he heard a small whimpering and knew that his baby girl was wide awake. She was a cheeky little girl but also quiet. She hardly ever made a fuss.

Iain got out of bed and left Mia sleeping. He went through to Poppy's bedroom. She was sitting up in her cot cuddling her teddy bear. "Hello gorgeous," Iain said. He lifted Poppy up and held her. Poppy smiled through her dummy.

Iain took her to the bedroom and got into bed with her. Poppy cuddled into him.
"M-Muma," Poppy mumbled.
"She's still sleeping baby," Iain said. Poppy nodded.

Mia woke and turned over. She saw Poppy cuddled up with Iain playing on his iPad. Mia smiled.
"Morning," she mumbled sleepily.
Poppy giggled and showed Mia what she was doing on the iPad. Mia sat up and smiled. "Wow baby."
"Ike," Poppy said as she cuddled into Iain.

Mia went through to the living room. She wanted to get a bigger house with three bedrooms. The two bedroom flat wasn't big enough.

Iain came through with Poppy toddling behind him. Iain had the iPad. "Iain, I think we need a bigger house for when titch comes."
Iain agreed as he sat Poppy on the sofa. She got her blanket. "Pad!"
Iain smiled and put the blanket over her. He handed her the iPad.

Iain and Mia got out the laptop and began to search through some houses. Iain kissed Mia's neck and rubbed her bump.

Mia smiled and looked at Iain.
"I love you so much," she said. Iain grinned.
"I love you too. I'll go make some breakfast."
Iain nodded and kissed her. He went to sit with Poppy. She was watching the episodes of Peppa pig Iain had downloaded.

Mia made the breakfast and sighed. She heard Poppy giggling. She got Poppy's weetabix ready. "Babe! Bring Giggles in here for her breakfast," Mia called.
Mia heard Iain talking to Poppy. "Come on Giggles. Let's go and eat mummy's food posioning."
"Hey you!" Mia said. Iain laughed. He put Poppy in her high chair.

Poppy ate her weetabix. Mia set down a fry for Iain.
"Thank you so much. It looks delicious," Iain said. Mia kissed him.
"You're welcome." 

After breakfast, Poppy went to watch Peppa Pig again. Iain walked up behind Mia as she washed the dishes and kissed her neck.

Mia bit her lip. "Don't. I need to get ready."
"Where you going?" Iain asked as he kissed her neck.
Mia grinned. "I said I'd help Oli out. You're having a day with Giggles."

Giggles was the nickname that Charlie had given Poppy after she had spent the whole day giggling when he babysat her.

Iain laughed and nodded. He went to Poppy. "You and daddy are going to the beach today kid. Mummy's going to help auntie Oli."
Iain kissed her head. Mia came downstairs and kissed Iain and Poppy.
"Will you two be okay?" Mia asked.
Iain smiled and nodded. "Of course we will. We'll send you some photos at the beach."
"Don't forget to put some sunscreen on Poppy."
"I won't. Love you."
"Love you too."

Mia arrived at Olivia's house. Olivia opened the door.
"Come on in. The kids are watching TV. I was feeding Sam," Olivia said. Mia smiled and walked into the house. Sam said hello from the kitchen.

Iain got Poppy into her swimsuit and put a skirt and top over her swimsuit. Poppy giggled at Iain. She grabbed her sun hat. "Pitty ike muma?" Poppy asked.
"Gorgeous baby girl."

Iain strapped Poppy in and drove to the beach. Poppy had fallen asleep by the time they arrived. Iain sighed and woke her up. "Let's go and build a sandcastle," Iain said as he put her in the stroller.
"We'll take some photos for mummy," Iain said. Poppy giggled and kicked her feet in excitement.

Iain found a quiet and sunny spot. He put down a blanket and got Poppy out of the stroller.

Poppy sat on Iain's lap as he applied suncream on her. He put on her sunglasses.
"Will we send Mummy a photo?" Iain asked.
Poppy giggled and nodded.
Iain took a photo and sent it to Mia. He made the photo his new screensaver. Poppy giggled and began to toddle around.

Iain looked at Poppy. She began toddling down to the sea. Iain stood up and ran after her. "No darling. That's not for little girls on their own."
"Oo com to," Poppy said. Iain smiled and nodded. He took Poppy's hand and walked into the sea. Poppy giggled as the sea hit her legs.

Iain smiled and held both of Poppy's hands as they walked in a tiny bit deeper. He didn't want the water to be too strong for her.
"Fishy?" Poppy asked.
"Yeah. That's where the fish live," Iain said.

Poppy wanted to go and build a sandcastle. Iain carried her back to their rug. Iain sat down and handed her the bucket. Poppy looked confused. "Dat?"
"It's to build a sandcastle," Iain said as Poppy pouted. She had Mia's pout.

A couple of hours later, Iain pulled into the ED. Poppy wanted to see Charlie. Iain took the little girl from the carseat and took her inside. Sam was there. Iain inwardly groaned as she walked over to him. "This must be your daughter."

Robyn came over to Iain. "Hi gorgeous girl."
Robyn grinned and took the little girl. "Your mummy and daddy should bring you to the pub tonight to sing."
Iain laughed. "All she knows is twinkle twinkle."
"Well that's good enough for me," Robyn said. Poppy giggled and began to sing it. Iain smiled.

Charlie and Duffy came over.
"I thought I heard an angel singing," Charlie said. Poppy giggled and put her arms out for Charlie. Charlie took her.
"Aren't you a gorgeous girl," Duffy said.
"Es! Ike my Muma!" Poppy told her.

Mia showed Sam and Olivia the photo of Iain and Poppy.
"She's gorgeous," Olivia said. Sam smiled and nuzzled his head into Olivia.
"We're trying for a baby," Sam admitted to Mia. Mia grinned.

Charlie gave Poppy a milkybar. "She is allowed this?" He asked.
Iain nodded. "Yeah. She's allowed pretty much anything as long as it isn't too spicy," he told him.

Mia went to the ED to collect something she left behind. She saw Iain's car and frowned. Mia walked inside and saw Sam with Poppy. "Muma!"
Mia went over to Sam and immediately took Poppy from her. Poppy wrapped her arms around her neck. Iain came in and smiled at Mia.
"Hey babe," he said. Mia glared and walked out with Poppy.

Iain ran after her. Mia was sitting in Charlie's office with Poppy.
"Why the hell did she have my baby girl?" Mia asked.
Iain sighed. "She's a friend. You don't see me acting like this when she's on Oli's Sam's lap do you?"
"You haven't had an affair with him!" Mia said.
Iain sighed. "Babe I'm sorry."
Mia looked at him. "I don't want your ex around her. I'm sorry but no," she said.
Iain agreed and kissed her cheek.

A few hours later, Mia and Iain walked into the pub with Poppy. Poppy was in her pushchair with a blanket over her.

Robyn smiled over. "Hi cutie."
Poppy pouted and went to go to sleep until Iain took her out the pushchair.

"No ta," Poppy mumbled. Iain laughed.
"Come on munchkin. Everyone wants to hear you singing twinkle twinkle," Iain told her. At that, Poppy's face brightened up.

The pub door opened and Olivia and Sam came in. They sat down with Mia and Iain.
"We heard Poppy was singing and we couldn't miss it. The kids are with my parents," Olivia said.

Iain took Poppy up to the stage and held the microphone for her. Olivia and Mia were recording it. Poppy looked around. She got scared and started crying. Mia grinned and went over. She handed Iain her phone to record.

Poppy sang really quietly and started crying when everyone clapped. Mia held her baby girl close as she cried. "It's okay."

Mia took her back to the table. Iain smiled. "You're amazing baby."
"No," Poppy mumbled as she hid her head.
Iain smiled and showed Poppy the video of her singing. Poppy smiled slightly. Mia put Poppy in her stroller when she started to fall asleep.

Iain ordered two pints and two cokes for them all. He handed Sam a pint with a straw in it and the two girls a coke.
"She's adorable," Olivia commented.
Mia smiled. "She is. I hope this baby will be just as cute."
"It will. Trust me."

They all began to talk while karaoke was going on. Olivia held Sam close to her.
Mia smiled as Poppy did a pout in her sleep. "She's so lovely."
"She is. Dixie loves her," Mia told them.

As it was getting late, Iain and Mia decided to take Poppy home. Iain pushed the pushchair and Mia put Poppy into the carseat.

While they were driving, Iain couldn't avoid the car that came crashing into the side of them...

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