Niall's POV

I was unpacking my things when I glanced over at Ashley listening to her IPod as she was standing out on the balcony looking over the city. Wow she looked so beautiful out there, just minding her own business. I can't believe that I have feelings for her and that I'm not even denying them, and Harry fancies her too. But I'm not going to make a move on her until the right time. I decided then to go out to the balcony and give her some company.

When I got closer to where she was standing I heard her softly singing to herself  some very familiar lyrics. She was singing one of  our songs, "Story of My Life".

The story of my life, I take her home

I drive all night, to keep her warm and time... is frozen

The story of my life, I give her hope

I spend her love, until she's broken inside

The story of my life

"You have a beautiful voice", I told her. She turned around quickly looking startled, but then she started blushing bright red.

"Oh well thanks Niall, but I was just singing to myself," she said keeping her eyes low to the ground and talking nervously to me. I started to step closer to her and I could feel her blushing more and more. She finally looked up at me, and my heart started fluttering in my stomach.

"So uh, what are you doing out here by yourself?" I asked her getting a little nervous myself.

"Just looking out over the city while listening to some music, as you can tell now," she said making both of us laugh. Before I could say anything else to her, I got a buzz from my pocket. I took out my phone revealing a text from management saying to go and warm up for tonight's concert.

"Damn, I just got a text that the boys and I have to go warm up for tonight's concert. Do you want to come with me?" I asked her.

"Sure, I'd love to," she said eagerly. I held out my arm for her take and she took it while looping our arms together and then we were on our way to rehersals.

Harry's POV

I got a text from our management saying that we had to go to rehersals for our concert later on tonight. I was going to text Ashley to see if she would like to come with me, but I figured that she was tired and just wanted to rest or something, so I didn't.

I got to rehersals  a little early than I would normally, but when I got there I saw Niall already there while talking to Ashley. They seem to be really liking each other, but I really wish Ashley would talk to me like that. I got to tell myself though that its no big deal, until I find the right time to ask her out.

"Hey Harry," Ashley eagerly said while running over to me and giving me a hug.

"Hey you," I said while hugging her back. I wish I could do this all the time for no apparent reason, but that would just be weird for two people as "friends" to be doing.

"Niall was just telling me what you and the boys normally do at rehersals for concerts, and from what he tells me, you guys have alot of fun," Ashley said with a wide grin on her face.

"Yeah, we always have alot of fun performing for our fans, do you want me to give you a tour of the stage and introduce you to all of our crew?" I asked her.

"Sure, I would love that, is it ok with you Niall if Harry gives me a tour?" she turned to Niall who had a look of hurt in his eyes.

"Sure I don't mind, I'll just wait for the rest of the boys to show up," he told her, but I can still see that look of hurt.

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