He smirks, "Oh then what type of girl is she?"

I step towards him, "The type that doesn't deserve to be screwed over by my ass of a brother."

He sighs, "All you have to do is say you like her and I'll back off."

I glare at my younger brother for a few moments silently before finally saying, "I may like her, but it's never going to happen."

He smirks, "I knew it, but why can't it happen? I'm sure she'd go out with you."

I press my lips together, "It's complicated Jude. Just stay out of it, and don't screw Avery over."

He nods, "I won't. I actually like her. I was just testing you out."

I give my brother an irritated look before walking around him, leaving him to his own devices.

As I head toward the empty bar I hear someone call my name, when I turn I see Victoria Delwood.


She smiles and kisses my cheek, "Christian, how are you darling?"

I give her a tight smile, "I'm doing fine. And you?"

She smirks, "I'd do better if I had some company this evening. I'd really love it if we could talk."

I shake my head, "I can't Victoria."

She frowns slightly, "Do you have a contract right now?"

"No," I say sternly, "But I do have plans. Now if you will excuse me."

I go to step around her but she grips my arm, "Who was that girl?"

I look down at her, "Who that girl is, is none of your concern. Just stay away from her."

"Is she a potential sub?"

I narrow my eyes, "No. Now let go."

She let's my arm slip from her grasp and I continue on my way.

I find my sister ordering a drink, "Big brother!" she says cheerfully.

I smile down at her, "Matea, how?"

She shrugs as she stuffs the fake I.D. into her pocket, "Does it matter? I got to watch all of you drink through dinner and I didn't get one sip."

I roll my eyes, "Mom will kill you if she finds out."

She smiles sweetly, "But she won't find out if you don't tell her."

I roll my eyes and lean against the bar looking around the room, I spot Emerson with Avery a few feet away, Avery dragging her toward the bar.

When they reach it Avery gives me a look, "A hundred thousand? Really?"

I shrug, "I would have gone higher. I wasn't bluffing."

Emerson rolls her eyes and Avery says, "That's the part that worries me, the two of you would have stood there all night."

I frown, "So?"

Avery frowns at me and Emerson grabs her shoulder, "How about you go find your mom and dad and say hi to them."

Avery rolls her eyes but turns around and walks off.

I glance at my sister and she catches my look, "I'm going to go look for Jude."

I pull Emerson into my chest and look down at her, "Can I get that dance now?"

She bites her lip and nods, "Sure, but I think I owe you more than one. You didn't have to do that."

I ignore her comment and lead her to the dancefloor. Some of the older ladies look, knowing it's odd for me to be dancing, let alone with an attractive young woman. When she slips her arms around my neck I say, "You know normally I only rescue my sister out of those auctions. But tonight she made me promise not to, she knew Channing was going to bet on her. I was just wondering what kind of relationship you have with him?"

Not with a Fizzle, But with a Bang (The Bang Series #1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora