Chapter Twentyseven

Start from the beginning

A picture of Alan's Logo showed up, next to a person wearing a hoodie and a mask. Alan sighed and sat down a bit more comfortable. "They'll never understand won't they?"

I shrugged, focussing on the report again. "Don't looks like."

Suddenly the camera started shaking a bit and several loud voices were yelling something.

Alan's eyes widened and flashed light blue suddenly. "Fuck..." He stared at the screen, watching a person getting pulled in front of the camera, his gray T-Shirt with 'Staff' spelled at the back flickering black and he was forced down to his knees.

His brown eyes widened in fear and the reporter stepped back shocked, while several heavily armed guards ran into the studio, shielding the reporter and pointing their guns at the young man, kneeing at the ground, his arms behind his head, tears in his eyes.

A man with a bulletproof vest, 'SWAT' spelled over his chest, stepped next to the man, pointing a black hand canon at the head of the man. His clothing flickered even more and suddenly it turned completely to the black hoodie and the mask.

"This man here." The man with the gun started speaking. "Is one of the aliens. And he made a big mistake coming here. And he'll pay for it." His voice was cold, as he pressed the barrel of the pistol against the head of the brown haired man.

The young mans eyes flashed blue suddenly and I had the hope that he could free himself out of this situation, but he was too slow. A loud bang echoed through the studio and the reporter screamed loudly, as soon as the lifeless and bleeding body hit the ground.

My eyes and my mouth slightly opened I stared stunned at the screen, not believing what I just saw. "Fuck..." Alan cursed quietly, staring at the screen the same way stunned as I was. "They..." I stammered, glaring at the screen and then back to Alan.

"They killed him." He finished my sentence and started twisting his hands. "These bastards killed one of us." His voice trembled heavily and was filled with endless hate. I reached to him, putting my hand on his arm.

"I first thought that we could solve that peacefully... but they've gone too far." He clenched his hands into fists, staring at the TV angrily.

"And now to the latest news about the mysterious kidnapping of Christine Schmitter."

I was still holding Alans hand, but I focussed on the show again.

Alan's hands were still clenched fists and I knew he was angry. "Alan..." I whispered carefully, looking at him.

Alan turned his head to me, but we both got interrupted by a weird sound, coming from the TV. I twitched back a bit, staring at the now black flat screen.

"Turn that camera on again!" I heard a voice yelling angrily and the screen flickered a bit but remained black. The weird sound, almost sounding like the sound at the end of Alan's musicvideos, echoed again across the room and Alan's eyes widened suddenly, as soon as a white, blurry and shivering font appeared on the black screen.

Slowly, letter by letter a sentence was formed. I was staring at the weird and random combination of letters, white on black. Alan next to me gasped shocked, while I was trying to figure out the sense of that random letter combination.

Disjtujof Tdinjuufs jt bmjwf

I wasn't sure, if I saw a ID flickering at the right corner but Alan suddenly got up. The white text on the TV-screen was flickering heavily and some letters were disappearing, forming a new message.

-..- ..-. / .. -... .-- ..-. / .--. --- ..-. / .--. --. / --.. .--. ...- .-.-.- / 45.640941 ° N , 16.777784 ° E

It took me a while to understand, that the message was actually written in morse code. I blinked confused and my vision changed suddenly. The next time I opened my eyes, some blue structures where floating around in the room and the morse code on the screen started changing again, but the new font which was showing up was blue instead of white.

xf ibwf pof pg zpv 45.640941 ° N , 16.777784 ° E

//Another weird letters combination...// I thought, staring at the weird combination. //The last thing must be coordinates...// Confused I glanced at the message, trying to figure out what happened to my vision, but as soon as I glanced at the coordinates, a picture of a strange looking monument showed up next to it.

A smaller explanation was written next to the picture of that strange building, which kinda looked familiar to me and I quickly read the text, ignoring Alan, who was frozen the same way like I was.

Monument to the Revolution of the people of Moslavina - 45.640941 ° N , 16.777784 ° E

Or simply the Monument to the Revolution is a World War II memorial sculpture by Dušan Džamonja, located in Podgarić, Berek, Croatia. It is dedicated to the people of during World War II.

I tilted my head, wondering why there where the coordinates to the monument in that crypitc message. My eyes went back to the message, seeing the letters rushing through and forming another, new message.

The first word was already obviously decoded and I frowned in confusion. Slowly, the next words were decoded. "We have...?" I whispered, leaning forward a bit and glanced at the blue font covering the white orginal font.

I turned my head around, looking to Alan and I gasped shocked. He was completely frozen and wasn't breathing. Even the dust particles were frozen in time. My eyes widened but a quiet sound irritated me and I glanced at the TV again.

My breath went fast as I read the message and the blood was rushing in my ears loudly. My heart was beating fast as I realised what the message was telling us.

The blue in my vision just disappeared suddenly.

"We have one of you?" Alan and I asked quietly the same second. His wide opened blue eyes met mine and I stared at him, noticing that he must have seen the same thing.

"Fuck... They must mean Fynn..." I whispered, telling him the thought going though my head. Alan's eyes went dark.

"These bastards..." He whispered and glared at the floor. But suddenly he turned his head to me, looking at me confused. "Why do you know the meaning of the message?" Alan asked me slightly confused.

I blinked and scratched my neck. "Well... When I looked at it, it encoded right in front of my eyes..." I answered him, looking at his eyes the same way confused as he was looking at me.

A big smile appeared on my opponents face and his eyes lightened up for a second, before he turned serious again. "So you've seen that they put coordinates for Podgarić there..." I nodded slowly and looked at him again.

"But why did they put these coordinates there..." He muttered quietly, resting his hand on his hands and stared at the still black screen.

My eyes flickered a bit and I scratched my neck. Alan gave me a confused glance and I raised one eyebrow.

"Maybe... There's a hint where Fynn is...?" I heard myself saying and my eyes widened surprised. But Alan didn't noticed it and he nodded slowly.

"Y..yeah... I'll have to go there... I should take Kyrre with me... And call for someone from around there..." He muttered, getting up quickly and twisting his hands nervously.

I stood up, putting my hand on his arm carefully. "Alan...?" I asked him gently. He turned around to me, his blue eyes looking at me worried.

"Can I come with you?" I asked him quietly. "I..I mean I'm the only one who can see Fynn and if he's there..." Alan interrupted me, shaking his head.

"Chrissy don't be mad at me, but if he's there or there's a hint where he could be, the government will protect it heavily and..." He stopped, grabbing my hands.

"I can't allow it to come with me... I can't risk that, Chrissy... They know that you're alive and they want you..." He muttered, looking into my eyes and tilted his head slightly.

"But Alan.." I tried to encounter but he shook his head. "Christine please... I can't take that risk to loose you!" He told me carefully, his eyes a bit teary.

I closed my eyes and lowered my head. "Wh... When will you leave?" I asked him quietly, twisting our fingers carefully .

"This evening." He told me, putting two fingers on my chin, forcing me to look up again. "But I'll keep you updated okay hun?" He muttered and I closed my eyes to hide the tears.

"Watch yourself idiot." I whispered, giving him a quick kiss.

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