The tea saga part 3

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So this is a continuation of what's been happening with Alli and Shelby🍵🍵

So me and Alli are no longer friends. Here is why...

Sooo let's set a scene okay. Me and Shelby are at Game works with some other people and we are bowling. There are like 7 of us total. Anyway

Shelby takes a Snapchat video of us all bowling and puts it on her story. It's all good we are all happy

Then. 3 minutes later Alli texts me "hey" so I respond a little later with "hey what's up" ya know casual ("casual" since we haven't talked one on one since the beginning of summer) and then right away she replied with "wyd?"  My first thought was "oh I'm bowling" and then my second thought was "hmm so if she saw that and KNOWS what I'm doing why ask me?"
And so I say "bowling" because that is what I was doing.

Then this chick replied with "with Shelby." Not a question. A statement. So I say "yeah and a few other people". And she starts naming people I'm with. So I'm like "yeah is that a problem" like why are you grilling me on who I'm with and like talking to me like I'm lying or something

She goes "nope thanks for the invite but it's whatever"

Okay. Why would I invite her to something that someone else (someone I hadn't met let's call her Jen) LET me come too because I was staying over at Shelby's. Also let me make something clear. Alli had said earlier that we all three shouldn't hang out anymore together. And then she said that if we do hang out it should be the movies and that's all. In the group chat we had me and Shelby wanted to go see The First Purge since it had just come out (we all went and saw that and Jurassic World anyway😁) and Alli didn't want to so like wtf do you want us to do. Anyway fast forward.

Me and Shelby are in Jens care because she is giving us a ride home and we take a picture not even thinking about Alli ya

So we get home and a few minutes later Alli posts on her Snapchat story a picture with on of her best friends. And guess what it said

"My best friend is better than yours"

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