Current workout

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  I see a lot of workout "challenges" online and the thing about those is that they aren't necessarily for everyone. So the workout I made to fit my schedule and also get results is :

DAY 1:
- 25 squats
- 30 fire hydrants
- 35 bicycle crunches
DAY 2:
- 30 squats
- 35 fire hydrants
- 40 bicycle crunches
DAY 3:
- rest
DAY 4:
- 35 squats
- 40 fire hydrants
- 45 bicycle crunches
DAY 5:
- 40 squats
- 45 fire hydrants
- 50 bicycle crunches
DAY 6:
- rest
DAY 7:
- 45 squats
- 50 fire hydrants
- 55 bicycle crunches
DAY 8:
- 50 squats
- 55 fire hydrants
- 60 bicycle crunches
DAY 9:
- rest

   As you may be able to tell there is a pattern going on here🤗🤗

  After DAY 9 which is - rest...... each workout increases by 5.
    I personally like to have a rest day every two days because my schedule can be crazy sometimes and this seems to work well for me.


Getting into a new workout can be difficult. Trust me boo. IK😩😩.

    BUTTTTTT...... workout plans are meant for you to do what works best for you and what will make you feel the best in your own skin.

  For me the key is staying motivated. Some ways I do that is by looking up inspirational quotes online, thinking about celebrities I look up too,  and mostly thinking about how good I will feel by fulfilling my goals ( no matter how small those goals are ).

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