School morning routine☀️

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No. I'm not in school yet. But😁 I do have a pretty exact idea of what my morning routine will be since it's pretty much the same as last years. So without further pointless words.... My school (will be) morning routine for 2018-19☀️☀️


Wake up at around 5:30(ish)⏰🤦🏻‍♀️

Then after turning off my alarm devil👺 clock, I drink some water and open the blinds and turn on the lights💡

THEN. IMPORTANT. I brush my teeth🚰 do my morning skincare🌝 then use the bathroom🚽

I definitely have some music playing rn btw🎶🎶🎶

Then I do my hair. Usually just taking out of braid and spraying some hairspray unless I actually feel like doing it😁 (i can make a chapter about my go to hairstyles too if y'all want so lmk❤️)

After that I put on some mascara and chapstick and eyebrow gel and I'm good for the face... until I decide I want more mascara👀👀

By now it's usually 6 o'clock and I have about 15 minutes until I have to leave for the bus🙄🙄

I get dressed and put on deodorant and perfume🌸, then fill up my water bottle and then double check I have all the shi...stuff I need for school😂😁

After all that I pretty much just walk to my bus stop and then go to school🏢🚌


Also I kind of want to do more stories and maybe even have that be a thing in the next book I do😁 lmk if you guys would want to see that or not

Xo Kay

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