Random school tips

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Notes: to keep notes neat what I usually do is pretend like I'm taking the notes for someone that is not there that day. That way I keep it neat and organized💎, and also I tend to write more of the critical information

Homework: in certain classes where the teacher gives you time in class to do work.... DO IT. If I have the chance I will finish my homework for a class before I even leave, that way I don't have to worry about it. In other classes when teachers don't allow it or there isn't time then I do it if i have free time in another class. Point is... i try to get most work done before I actually get home📚📚📚

Halo: it's true what they say. Size matters🤫🤭Just kidding.....  Anyway🤗. The halo affect is real😇😇. The first couple of weeks in a class if you show the teacher that you are a good student they will remember that. Like for example, this year in my math class. I tried to be extra respectful in the beginning and keep turning in all my work and so when there were times I needed an extra point for my grade to go up, my teacher gave it to me💯( even worked on quizzes and homework sometimes ).

Sit in the front of you can. It sounds like it would suck( sometimes it does🙄 ) but it'll pay off. I've found that if I sit in the front I pay attention more because it's harder to do other things📱.

ASK QUESTIONS. Even if you're afraid you'll sound dumb, you most likely aren't the only one with a question🤓🤓

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