Getting Reads👀

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Be consistent: Get a posting schedule and stick to that. I try to post everyday maybe even a couple of times a day. The more parts you have the more views you will have. Example, if you have 60 parts and each get 2 views you have 120, even if every part isn't going viral. 🌈🌈

Be creative: Try to not have all the same things you see everywhere else. If your content is creative then people will go to you for that creativity. If you post the same parts as some other person than people won't be as interested in what you are posting. 🌸🌸🌸

Tags: Try to put any possibly relatable tag to your works. When people are looking for something specific, your story will show up if you tag it. Tagging makes finding your stories a lot easier and therefore more people will see them. 💪🏽💪🏽

Subscribe: Subscribing you your readers increases the chances of them subscribing to you. Not only subscribing but also commenting, voting, and replying to comments can help build your readers. This way readers come back to view each part of your stories and possibly share you with others. 🌻🌻

Create a style: This goes somewhat with being creative but this focuses on finding a writing style. If you like to use a ton of emojis ( like me💁🏻‍♀️ ) then you do that. If you like a straight forward, no bullsh*t writing then do that too boo. Having your own writing style gives your work a unique touch that no one else has.

Don't Stop: Don't stop posting just because your stories aren't getting a ton of views overnight. They will get views the more you keep going. Don't get discouraged and stop doing something you really enjoy. If you are unhappy then try changing it up❤️❤️

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