Chapter 1 - Amaya - If Only

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It had been several months since Amaya spent her first—and last—days on land, but she found herself thinking of it often, even missing it. She spent most of her time there holed up in a dingy, ramshackle boathouse with her irritable eldest brother and three very unkind mermen who didn't like having to walk around as humans. They were trying to retrieve her youngest sister, Kaelin, who fled their home under the illusion that she'd committed a terrible act against the son of the Southern Clan's leader. She left out of fear of reprisal, worried if she stayed the Southern Clan would bring a war against their own clan, which they very well might've, given that war was their forte.

     Missing for a decade, Kaelin was finally discovered again. They tracked her to a tiny island. She took shelter with humans to recover from a wound.

     In spite of Amaya's previously held negativity regarding land dwelling, she managed to find many things to enjoy. While searching the island for Kaelin, Amaya began to understand why the world above had so long fascinated her younger sister. Amaya got a taste of that life, and she liked it.

     However, it wasn't the land for which she yearned. Not really. It was all down to one human, one young woman. She had piqued Amaya's interest in a way no mermaid had ever done. The incomparable Molly was brash and beautiful. Amaya longed to touch her spirals of red hair, to hold Molly in her arms, as she had while dancing on that final day on land.

     But all that was a ridiculous notion. She couldn't hold Molly. She couldn't have Molly. If Molly even wanted her.

     Amaya had a duty to her clan. Like her older brothers and sister before her, she would be matched with an heir of a highborn family in another clan. That bonding would ensure peace for centuries to come.

     Now, more than ever, after the despicable actions of that rogue faction of the Southern Clan, peace was paramount. Her father had made that sentiment very clear when he brought Kaelin back to their arctic home. He had already begun the search for another bondmate for Kaelin, although the last merman he picked ended up being a disastrous choice, since he was the leader of the coup that Kaelin uncovered.

     When Amaya felt another mind reaching out to hers, she twisted around to find Kaelin. Her silver hair flowed around her as she slowly drifted closer. Amaya should've known it would be her. Only Kaelin would be able to find Amaya in this grotto, hidden amongst the undersea mountains that surrounded their city. This was their secret place to shirk their responsibilities and just have fun for a change. Of course, Kaelin was much more likely to be found here for that reason than Amaya, who always tried to be the best daughter.

     Kaelin sent a thought to Amaya, laced with curiosity. She wondered why Amaya was out here. Her giant blue eyes bore her concern.

     Amaya tried to play it off, as if it were nothing, but Kaelin knew her too well for that.

     Kaelin sank down to sit atop the large boulder next to Amaya. Amaya touched Kaelin's face to share what was going on. She sent the memory of her dance with Molly. The memory was doused in the human's sweet floral scent. Amaya's loneliness and longing also filled the memory, which she hadn't intended. She didn't want Kaelin to know how much she wanted to go back there.

     Kaelin pulled Amaya into a tight embrace. Amaya wriggled in Kaelin's arms. This was not the mermaid way. They didn't show affection like this. This physical display was purely human, leftover from Kaelin's weeks spent with them.

     Unlike their father, Amaya knew that Kaelin fully intended to return to the land, and the human boy she'd left behind. Once she had finished her task, there would be no stopping her. All the power of the oceans couldn't keep her away from that boy.

     Through the hug, Amaya felt many of Kaelin's feelings and thoughts. All about Amaya. How she always did everything asked of her, never complaining or asking for reward, or even acknowledgement. The way she loved her father and their clan and her desire to make them the best they could be. Kaelin admired her sister for those things, but she also knew they were never going to be enough.

     Then, Kaelin sent images of Molly. She showed Amaya the moments she shared with the human girl. Molly had taken a liking to Kaelin. She seemed to care about her the way Amaya did. That made Amaya appreciate Molly all the more.

     Finally, Kaelin sent the memory of herself on the giant wheel that had sat atop the boardwalk. She looked out over the island. The lush green treetops dominated most of the land, with building popping up between the branches. Kaelin thought of that place as home now. With the memory, Kaelin sent a single word: "Go."

     Amaya tried to rebut her, but Kaelin shook her head. Kaelin pressed her hand to Amaya's face to share her thoughts. "You need to know if your feeling are true," her thoughts said.

     Amaya shook her head. She couldn't. Their father would never allow it.

     But Kaelin had thought of that, too. "Father is leading the charge to find the rest of those involved with Arlen's plot, to put them on trial. I am going with him, to finish this for good. I won't rest until I've found them all. It could be months before we return. That should give you enough time to get to know her."

     "Why do you insist on this?" Amaya didn't think she should even bother. Having feelings for Molly wasn't feasible. Their father was intent on bonding her to a mermaid. No human would suffice.

     Kaelin's lips twisted up at the sides. "Because I know what it is to love a human. It's the strongest thing I've ever felt. And I want that for you, if you can find it."

     Kaelin's words held some truth. More than Amaya cared to admit to her sister. While human, Amaya felt strong emotional shifts, some that she had never experienced before. She believed this longing for Molly was part of that. If only she had stayed in the water, her life would've been so much simpler.

     Amaya finally agreed to try. Besides, what was the probability that she would also end up falling in love with a human, no matter how beautiful she found Molly?

     Kaelin opened her mouth and let out a squeak, like a dolphin, along with a bunch of bubbles. She sent joy through their mental link. "Go first to James' house. I don't expect that Liam and his mother will still be there, but James will no doubt help you if they are not. He is a good man and a friend of our kind."

     Amaya nodded. She couldn't believe she was planning this. Could she really go through with it?

     Amaya sent her doubts to Kaelin, but Kaelin sent back only reassurances. She believed in Amaya, and that gave Amaya faith in herself.

     So, when the party—including Kaelin and their father—left the city that evening, Amaya mustered up her courage and set out on her journey.

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