2.8 | A Time For Bonding

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[ Chapter Twenty-Nine ]

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[ Chapter Twenty-Nine ]

     THE THREE MIKAELSONS headed into the home to discuss the plan Rebekah proposed. Raylynn and Hayley remained outside, the latter holding her daughter in her lap as she fed her a bottle. They rocked back and forth in the few rocking chairs set on the front porch, listening to the loud conversation that went on inside.

     Raylynn could hear most of what the siblings said between each other. Rebekah wanted to take Esther's offer to jump into the body of a witch. They needed to make sure the spell would not happen, while making sure that she did not end up in Cami's body.

     Yes, the psychotic woman had prepped the blonde's body to take in Rebekah's soul. Talk about crazy.

     Once their plan was set in stone, Klaus and Rebekah unfortunately had to return to New Orleans. Raylynn was left in the farm house with Hayley, Hope, and Elijah. Not that she complained. The huntress needed a break from the chaos of the city. She needed the time in a world that she used to know.

     That night, Raylynn slept the hardest she had in months. Possibly, years. She did not have to worry about Klaus rudely waking her to go along with some strange excursion, or even rambunctious vampires and werewolves. She could sleep in and enjoy the cool air that blanketed the home. It reminded her much of her childhood home, and she loved it.

     Raylynn dressed in a warm white hoodie, a pair of black leggings, and faux fur-lined boots before she ventured from her chosen room. She practically skipped down the stairs, especially when she smelled food cooking in the kitchen. She moved through the open living room and found Elijah whisking away on a bowl of eggs, while Hayley stood close by with Hope on her hip.

     Raylynn paused at the scene. She immediately took notice of the air between the pair. The huntress knew that Hayley told Elijah about her marrying Jackson. But by the way they acted, the information did not seem to matter. She eyed them intently, causing them both the squirm under her gaze.

     A bright smile formed on Raylynn's lips as she jumped in place and clapped her hands. "Oh, my God! You didn't?!" She exclaimed, forcing the pair to share significant look with each other. "You did! You tow totally did it!"

     Hayley moved over to her best friend and smacked her on the arm with reddening cheeks. "Shut it." She muttered lowly.

     Raylynn exited the room, releasing her laughter when she knew Hayley could not go after her. She moved back into the living area, until she heard a car pull up in front of the home. She strode over to the front door and opened it to find Klaus's Range Rover in the driveway. Raylynn shut the door behind her as she stepped out onto the front porch.

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