2.3 | Revealing Truths

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[ Chapter Twenty-Four ]

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[ Chapter Twenty-Four ]

     RAYLYNN REALIZED SHE missed out on a lot when she retreated to her room for the night. Hayley had invited her pack to stay in some of the spare bedrooms of the compound. And as much as the huntress tolerated the wolves, she did not want them to invade in her personal space.

     But that had not been the worst part. Apparently, Mikael had risen from the dead along with Esther. Somehow Davina had control over him, while she also had possession of the white oak stake. An incredibly dangerous combination.

     Raylynn could not believe that Davina would be so reckless. To control an Original Killing Original. What had she been thinking?

     The next massive thing that happened would be Elijah moving out of the compound. Raylynn knew that Hayley's transition had been hard on him, but she did not think that he would actually leave. Perhaps Hayley helping her brethren had been the last straw.

     Although, Elijah really had no right to be upset. Hayley could not see her child, she was violently killed, and turned into a creature she never wished to be. Elijah's feelings were the last thing on her mind.

     Come morning, Raylynn slipped a red plaid shirt over her black tank top and made her way down the lowest level of the home. She strode through the courtyard, until her eyes landed on Hayley. The Marshall woman stood in front of a long table covered in an array of fruits and various breakfast items.

     Raylynn's brows furrowed as she approached her best friend. "What is all this?"

     Hayley shrugged and plucked a few grapes from the table. "I don't know. I just found it a few minutes ago."

     Raylynn hummed, moving over to the food. She grabbed a strawberry and nibbled on the end.

     "So, which restaurant's missing a compelled chef?" Hayley questioned Klaus when he descended the stairs.

     He looked toward the table and came up behind the two women with a confused expression. "It's certainly a care I've played in the past, but I had no hand in this." He gestured toward the copious amount of food.

     Hayley hummed. "Well, then, I guess we have Elijah to thank?" She suggested.

     In that moment, the noble Original entered the courtyard from one of the gated entrances. He glanced toward the table with the same confusion as his brother. "This wasn't my doing."

     Raylynn finished the rest of her strawberry and fiddled with the green leaves left behind. "Then –where did all of this come from?" She pointed at the table in front of them.

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