1.19 | Funerals Are Bad For Everyone

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[ Chapter Nineteen ]

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[ Chapter Nineteen ]

     RAYLYNN HAD NEVER been to a wake before. When it came to her parents' death, she had been to young and fled her home without knowing what to do. She was all alone with no family and had to run from the witch and vampire that killed them, in case they wanted to return and kill her, too. A wake or a funeral was the last thing on her mind.

     The day of Father Kieran's wake, Raylynn dressed in an all black outfit and headed to Rousseau's where the celebration of the man's life would be held. She and Hayley entered the restaurant to find the that the place had been decked out for the priest's Irish-style wake. Irish music played at the loudest volume possible, while patrons drank and shared stories about the man.

     Raylynn paused at the entrance when she witnessed Cami storm past her and Hayley, clearly upset by the state of things. The huntress wanted to follow after her, but she figured that the woman needed space, at least for while. Raylynn and Hayley moved further into the room and spotted Klaus and Elijah seated at a table, drinking heavily.

     When they approached, Elijah barely looked up at them as he stated, "I will warn you two, Niklaus is in a spectacularly foul mood today."

     Klaus scoffed. "Sod off." He then lifted his glass and gulped down the bronze contents.

     Raylynn sat down in one of the vacant chairs and set her elbow on the table to rest her chin upon her open palm. She may have never been to a funeral before, but she knew that she did not like them.

     Hayley sat across from her and turned her attention toward the cranky hybrid. "What's the deal with these moonlight rings? Oliver's trying to set a revolution every five seconds. People are scared, angry, and frankly, I'm tired of stalling." She stated.

     Raylynn understood why her best friend was frustrated. Oliver tried to take control over her pack and one of her own died in the multiple explosions out at the bayou. Hayley needed a vacation.

     "It's a day of peace, Hayley. Try and enjoy it. And, in the meantime, with all the manner of unknown enemies conspiring against our family, you'll move back in with us." Klaus stated.

     Raylynn her entire face into her hands at his words. She was so tired of their bickering about where Hayley should live because of the baby. She had half a mind to duct-tape their mouths shut, but that would only make them angrier and more annoying.

     "Awesome! Then –we can do that thing where you lock me in the tower, I escape, there's drama, and then you two both realize I'm very capable of looking after myself." Hayley exclaimed.

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