2.2 | Meeting Mama Mikaelson

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[ Chapter Twenty-Three ]

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[ Chapter Twenty-Three ]

EVEN WITH FRANCESCA dead and her wolves dismantled, little changed around the French Quarter. The remaining werewolves turned their allegiance to the last resurrected Harvest girl, Cassie, who proceeded to make them moonlight rings that would prevent their shift on the full moon. With her control already over the witches, the girl seemed to be the next target for the Mikaelsons.

Raylynn did find an upside to the entire ordeal. She could now roam the streets without the need for a disguise. Although she was still recognized, she did not have to worry about her heart being ripped from her chest.

The huntress reentered the compound after she took time for herself to grab a latte and an order of doughnuts from a coffee shop around the street corner. Raylynn wanted no part of Klaus's plan to get Hayley back onto her feet, so to speak, which consisted of hunting down the witches that almost sacrificed their child. That was their fight, not hers.

Raylynn moved further into the courtyard and immediately noticed Elijah, standing above the body of a witch leaned against the stone fountain in the center of the room. A large pool of blood spread out around the corpse with distinct paw prints that led toward a staircase. They soon turned in human prints and proceeded up to the second floor of the home.

Raylynn pressed her lips together in a fine line when she stepped up to Elijah's side. "They kind of went on a witch hunt earlier."

The Original whirled toward her in shock. "And you didn't think to stop Hayley?"

Raylynn shrugged and sipped her coffee. "She's doesn't listen to me anymore. Oh, who am I kidding? She never did." She then turned on her heel to head toward the kitchen to stash her doughnuts. "Good luck with her, though." She called out as she moved out of the courtyard.


Raylynn did not think that she had been in the kitchen very long, but by the time she emerged from the rom, Klaus and Elijah were deep within their argument about Hayley. The huntress held one of her doughnuts in her hand and proceeded to eat the glazed fried pastry as she made her way to the dining room.

"You took her on a witch hunt?" Elijah exclaimed incredulously toward his brother.

Klaus shrugged from his seat at the table with a thick book in his hand. "I simply wanted to persuade those witches to locate the white oak stake for me. When they proved unable to do so, I let Hayley have her fun."

Raylynn resisted the urge to snort at the information. She had a feeling that Hayley pissed the noble Original off. The huntress knew that it would happen. She had known Hayley for a better part of her life and had a good idea when the woman would do something brash. And killing witches, that was about as brash as it got those days.

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