1.16 | Faction Party

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[ Chapter Sixteen ]

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[ Chapter Sixteen ]

     AFTER KLAUS ABANDONED Raylynn at the ruins of the opera house, she somehow found her way back to the Mikaelson Compound. The huntress had been entirely pissed at the hybrid for what he did, but she could not do anything about it until he returned. She just hoped that it would be before he succeeded in killing his sister.

     Raylynn did not want to stay in the massive home without the company of the three Original siblings or Hayley, so she packed a bag and headed out to the bayou for the night. Her best friend wanted to stay close to the wolves ever since she found out how to reverse the curse placed upon them, and the huntress did not oppose to it.

     Raylynn was beyond happy that Hayley finally found the people that she had been searching for the last several years of her life. She just hoped that the wolves treated her right and welcomed her with open arms. Otherwise, they would be facing the wrath of Raylynn Montgomery.

     That night, the huntress at net to her best friend by a fire lit in the center of the Crescent wolf encampment. Most of the wolves laid around the orange flames in their animal form, while the still human members of the pack were nearby in their tents or around other fires. Raylynn had just finished retelling her day to Hayley when they noticed a figure emerge from the trees and into the firelight.

     Rebekah strode toward them with a solemn expression on her features, before Raylynn leapt to her feet and raced forward to launch herself into the blonde's arm. "Oh, my God! You're alive!" She exclaimed, pulling away with a bright smile. "I actually thought he was going to kill you for awhile."

     Rebekah released a light chuckle. "Me too."

     The two of them moved over to the log that Hayley set upon and sat on either side of her. The Marshall woman turned to the Original and asked, "Rebekah, what are you doing here?"

     Rebekah sighed and glanced between the women next to her. "I came to say goodbye."

    Raylynn frowned at her declaration. "What happened to "us girls sticking together?""

     "Well, Nik and I came to a sort of all-or-nothing arrangement. I leave town for good, and he allows me to. Can't pas that up." Rebekah stated with a shrug.

     Hayley laughed sadly. "A thousands years with Klaus? I guess you deserve a few vacation days."

     Raylynn nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I can't imagine how you've dealt with him for so long."

     Rebekah smiled, before her expression turned serious. "Listen. About Nik, he is a monster. Do not ever cross him. But, he does want more from life then to just be feared. He's too broken to find it himself, but I do believe there is hop for him in the baby that you carry." She said toward Hayley. "And speaking of your child –our family has no shortage of enemies. She will inherit all of them. Please, be careful." She then shifted her gaze to Raylynn. "Both of you."

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