Chapter 12

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"My name is Vanessa, by the way," I said to the witch as I followed her through the woods. Her cloak was so warm that I almost forgot how cold it was. 

"I'm Sarah."

"That's pretty basic for a witch. I thought all of you had cool, enchanting names?"

She smirked at me. "Someone likes movies."

   She lead me through the woods as if she had lived here her whole life. She knew when to dunk her head before she even saw the tree branch and when to change direction. I tried to remember the way she was taking me so I would know how to get back, just in case she tried to leave me stranded. My chest tightened at the thought of it and I prayed that this was a good idea. I was doing this for me and Damarius, and I knew if I did find a way to break the oath that he would be happy. I smiled at the thought of him smiling and held on to that image as we got further and further into the woods.

    It seemed like we had been walking for two hours by the time we approached a small house made out of rocks that was covered in vines. It looked just like a witch's house in the stories I used to read. I wondered if there was a cauldron inside filled with lot's of potions and green smoke. I tried not to laugh at my own thoughts but she had really gotten quiet over the last little while. It was starting to make me nervous and I wasn't sure if I wanted to enter the house with her. 

"Is this where your friend lives?" I asked, trying to break the silence.

"No, this is my home. He will be meeting us here shortly."

I noticed that she didn't call him, so how would he know to come? Did witches have some kind of telepathy to communicate with each other? I was growing more and more curious about her by the second, and my heart was starting to race as she opened the front door. She looked back at me with a smile. 

"Come in."

I followed her inside and quickly noticed how dim it was in here. I didn't like the feeling I was getting in my gut but I made the choice to come out here with her. There were candles lit in every corner of the room, and there were dark green couches over to my right. All of her plants were real unlike the one's I had in my apartment. I didn't like having to take care of them, and they would usually die anyway, so artificial was the way to go. I looked up to see vines covering the ceiling, hanging down just enough to brush the top of our heads. It was so witchy in here that I wondered if she was pulling my leg. 

"I'm a little confused on how you made the witch movie reference earlier when your house looks exactly as I imagined in the books I've read," I said as I continued to observe the room.

She headed over to the fireplace in front of the couch and sprinkled some kind of dust on it and I watched it come to life. I jumped at the sight of the flame and wondered how the hell she just did that. She looked back at me and smiled.

"I don't know how you can be surprised by a little fire when you hang around demons."

"Well, like I said, I haven't had much luck with witches."

"It seems that you haven't had much luck with demons either."

She continued to look at me and I gave a shrug when I couldn't come up with a response. I knew she didn't like demons, so I definitely wasn't mentioning my feelings for Damarius. 

"So when will your-" There was a knock at the door that cut me off from finishing my sentence. She gave me a nod and headed over to the door to open it. I stood there in her cloak, pulling it a little closer to me as I went to sit in front of the fire. 

"Good to see you, Veer. Come in." She moved aside and a man with shaggy white hair walked in. He had to be around 6'4" and 180 pounds. He looked way too skinny for his height, but his face was absolutely breathtaking. He had beautiful blue eyes, blemish free skin, and soft pink lips. I came to my feet when he entered, ready to introduce myself as he approached me.

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