Chapter Twentyfive

Start from the beginning

Alan nodded proudly. "And now follow me with your eyes and try to hold the wall up at the same spot!" He told me and started moving around me.

A bit confused I turned my head to follow him, trying to keep the wall up, my hands a bit raised. Alan suddenly moved quicker and I heard the wall collapsing.

I cursed quietly and builded the wall up again, while Alan was laughing. "Shut up..." I rolled my eyes, raising just one hand and stating at my fingertips.

Alan started moving again and I just concentrated at my connection to the wall and turned quickly whenever Alan was switching direction.

He stopped after a few minutes and nodded widely smiling. "Wow! Where did you learned to split up your concentration like this?" He laughed.

I shrugged, still having the wall up on my right side, my hand just a bit raised. "In the school?" I asked him back chuckling. Alan tilted his head. "Can you move the wall?" He asked me.

I moved my hand a bit towards him and was surprised that the wall moved too. A big grin appeared on Alan's face and I gained some self-confidence, raising my hand above me, seeing that the wall was floating above me.

"Okay enough Chrissy!" Alan laughed softly, coming closer to me. I dropped my hand and the wall disappeared in a cloud of pixels. "So... Can you please build up a smaller wall, I'll test if it's already able to protect..."

I blinked confused and he chuckled. "At the start the walls are normally not very able to delete stuff or protect you of something, but your walls seem pretty good already!"

I shrugged, raising my right hand a bit, and build up a small horizontal wall. Alan's hands lit on fire suddenly and I stepped back a bit, the wall still floating at the same spot which kinda surprised me.

Alan shot a fire ball at the small wall and instinctively I build it a bit bigger, before the fire ball was able to hit the wall. The fire ball hit the blue floating wall and burst up into little pieces, disappearing after a few seconds.

A big grin appeared on Alan's face and I disabled the wall. "Wow! Just... Wow!" He shook his head laughing. I blushed a bit. "I.. I hope it was okay that I built I bigger..."

Alan laughed out loudly and touched my shoulder. "It was completely correct don't worry hun! You did the right thing instinctively!"

I scratched my neck nervously and suddenly yawned. Alan chuckled. "I forgot to say that learning the first code is kinda exhausting... Do you have enough energy to keep on going?"

I nodded, stretching my arms. "Of course!"

Alan laughed quietly and walked over to the parcours, sitting down on a lower wall and smiling at me.

"Okay... Hm lemme think, what we could do now..." I sat down cross-legged in front of him and looked up to him, waiting smiling.

"So... We already know how to build up a barrier, which is already that strong to protect something, we learned how to move it, and you found out how to make it bigger or smaller if needed..." Alan tilted his head, his eyes half closed while he was thinking.

I waited, looking at him widely smiling. "So... We could try to build up the barrier while you're moving slowly and quickly..." Alan looked at me. "And if you're still having energy after that, I'll ask Oli what to do then..."

Smiling I stood up and nodded. "Okay!" Alan laughed and pointed at the long side of the hall. "Okay, first walk one time and build up different sized walls okay?" I nodded and walked over to the wall.

"Well then let's start..." I muttered to my and started walking, but when I tried to build up a wall in front of me, I was too focused on walking, so it didn't worked.

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