She sniffled and they walked to her dorm together. Once they got inside, Isa locked herself in the bathroom, cleaning her face. She took off her makeup and tied her hair up into a bun. Coming out, Meek looked at her. He licked his lips and sighed.

"Why you start crying?"

"I got scared," she said quietly.

He frowned. "Of me? I didn't mean to scare you. I triggered something?"

She nodded and sniffled.

"Yes, b-but I know you didn't mean to. You're still drunk. Here."

She got more water out of her mini fridge and Meek drank some.

"You wanna talk about it?"

"You won't remember in the morning."

He chuckled, running his hand over his face.

"I'm fucked up but I can still listen."

She sat on the floor against the wall.

"Um.. in high school... I was dating this senior. I was a junior. He would always smoke, drink, and party and one night he got so messed up and he came to my house while my parents were out of town and h-he forced himself on me," she said, tears falling. "He left after that and he came back a few hours later with a group of his friends. I was still stuck in bed, crying. I couldn't move. I was in pain. They all had a turn with me and, and-," she broke down crying.

"That's fucked up. You don't deserve that shit, Isa."

He gave her some time to calm down.

"I felt like I was dying. Now, I have a three year old son. I don't even know his father. There were like eight guys."

"Damn.." Meek said, not knowing what to say.

Isa wiped her tears and sniffled.

"You would never do that to anyone, would you?"

"Nah, never. That's foul as fuck. I would never take advantage of my girl. I'm too protective over her."

Isa looked at him. "You have a girlfriend?"


"What does she look like?"

Meek pulled his phone out, unlocking it. He went to his camera roll and Isa came over, sitting next to him, looking.

"Wow, she's beautiful. She looks familiar."

"She a model. Her name is Nicki."

Isa smiled. "She's very pretty. Do you think she'll like me? I need a friend."

"Yeah, she'll like you. You real cool and pretty. Y'all should get along."

"Great. Meek, how old are you?"

Meek licked his lips. "Eighteen."

"Oh. I'm only seventeen. Nicki might not want to hang out with me."

"Nah, she's seventeen too. She gonna like you."

Isa smiled again and looked around her room.

"Well, um. I guess I should get you home. Do you live close?" She asked.


She grabbed his keys and they left. Once he got inside safely, Isa left and caught an uber back to campus. Meek sighed and face planted on the bed.

Los Angeles, California

Nicki walked into the house, yawning. Figuring that Meek was at school, she took her things into the room, only to see him fully clothed on the bed.


She walked over, shaking him. His eyes shot open and she looked up at her. He sat up and stretched.

"When you get here?"

"Just now. Why aren't you in class?"

He looked at the clock. "Shit! Class almost over."

"I told you not to get drunk last night. Why do you smell like Pink Cashmere body spray?"

"I was at Isa's dorm last night."

Nicki scrunched her face up. "Who is Isa?"

"This girl I met a few days ago. She real cool. I got drunk and we went to her dorm and I sobered up a little," he told her.

"Okay wait," Nicki said, backing up. "You're telling me that you got pissy drunk and went to some girls dorm? I should slap you."

Meek looked at her. "Baby, chill. It wasn't like that, I promise. I didn't fuck her, kiss her, touch her, none of that. We went to her dorm because she was crying and I was tryna comfort her. She told me something about her past. I can't even remember."

"I trust you enough to make good decisions, so please be telling the truth. If not, we're done."

"I'm telling the truth, baby."

Nicki looked at him. "Okay. I want to meet her."


chay 🍍

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