2) Weekend Troubles

Start from the beginning

"Good morning Sir, I am sorry to bother you at such an hour, but I was wondering if there was any possibility of switching my shifts with someone who has the night shifts?" Namjoon asked, fingers crossed.

"Yeah that isn't a problem, you can switch places with Sehun since he recently called me to switch also"

"Really? That helps so much! Thank you Sir, when do I start?" Namjoon asked, smiling happily.

"You can start on Tuesday, have Monday off to spend time with your new family, congratulations by the way"

"Thank you sir" Namjoon smiled.

"I will send the details via email later on today"

"Ok great! I'll see you Tuesday then Sir" Namjoon nodded to himself.

"Alright, take care Namjoon" His Boss bid him goodbye.

"You too Sir!" Namjoon smiled cheerfully. Not long after he put his phone down, the small pitter patter of tiny feet was heard. Yoongi, Hoseok and Jimin all came running inside the kitchen, chasing one another.

"Where's Taehyung and Jungkook?" Namjoon asked, trying to calm the three down.

"Stiwl stuck in the cot" Yoongi huffed, quickly catching up to Hoseok who was chasing Jimin. Namjoon sighed, he needed a coffee. He began walking upstairs to the room the twins were resting in. Jungkook was seated in the cot, staring at Taehyung in awe. Taehyung was attempting to escape by climbing out. He failed, falling backwards and landing onto Jungkook.

Due to Taehyung falling backwards onto Jungkook, Jungkook started crying. Taehyung instantly rolled off of him, pulling him into a caring, gentle hug. Taehyung gently pet Jungkook's head, thinking it would help.

Namjoon smiled, watching Taehyung try to comfort his brother. Namjoon walked towards them, pushing down the side of the cot for them to climb out. Taehyung almost instantly tumbled out, nearly falling face first in the process. He slowly stabled himself to help Jungkook out.

Taehyung wobbled as he walked towards the door, falling every so often. Although each time he would get back up straight away. Jungkook was speed crawling beside him, stopping each time that Taehyung fell. He'd wait until he was up to crawl once again.

Once the two had made their way out of the room, Namjoon closed the door behind them, following closely behind. Taehyung slowly made his way down the stairs, taking small steps while Jungkook thought it would be funny to turn around and slide down the stairs on his stomach.

Namjoon quickly walked down the stairs, helping Taehyung along the way and to Jungkook who was clapping to himself on the floor. Jungkook let out small giggles once he was picked up and carried just as Taehyung was. Namjoon walked into the kitchen where Yoongi was currently raiding the fridge.

"Dad! me hungwy!" Yoongi whined, searching the fridge and grabbing a random piece of fruit from the fridge. He inspected it for a second before making a disgusted face and throwing it behind him.

"Me too! Me too!" Hoseok cheered happily.

"I too.." Jimin mumbled, shyly looking at the floor. He was fiddling with his fingers and his leg was twisting side-to-side.

Namjoon placed the twins in high-chairs before walking towards Yoongi, looking at the food covered floor. He sighed, looking over at Yoongi who gave a big smile. Jin walked out of his office and noticed everyone was awake.

"I'll make them something!" Jin smiled, walking over to where Namjoon was standing before noticing the situation. "Joonie.. What is this mess in my kitchen?" Jin asked, smiling way too sweetly at Namjoon. Namjoon gulped, not being able to make words.

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