Stolen - Camera

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Louis' POV

"Really Harry? Nows not the time!" I said taking the camera in my hands.

"Does it turn on?" Zayn asked.

"No. It's dead. The screen is also cracked. It looks like it was thrown or dropped" I said turning it over.

"Okay. Well nothing is here so let's go back upstairs" Harry said.


"Hey guys have you found anything?" Kristen asked sitting on the couch.

I nodded and handed her the camera.

"Okay! This is no way how to treat a camera. That's for sure" she said looking at the broken lens and the cracked screen where you can see the previewed picture(s).

"It won't turn on so I'll need to transfer the pictures onto a cd. If there are any.." She said placing the camera down.

We are currently in Kristen's Pod (room) all in her living room.

"Can you do that?" I asked nervously. I can't sit still, How could I? I am basically pacing back and forth behind Kristen's couch as we all 'talk'.

"I might. I can try. Just hope my camera cord fits this one." She said getting up. She went to her room and then came back out a minute later with a her laptop bag and a long black cord.

"Okay let's see" she said taking the camera from my hands again. She tried to attach the cord to the camera but it wouldn't fit.

"Can one of you get me a pair Of scissors please?" She asked. I nodded and grabbed them from a drawer and handed the to her. Nobody has said a word, just watching her. My breathing has calmed more and my heart beet has slowed, but the only thing running through my head was Brianna.

Where is she? Is she okay? Is she hurt? Is he still alive? What is Wyatt doing with her now? How much time do we have until I can get to her? Will we ever find her? Will we get to her in time? The left side of my Brain is telling me we will find her but the right is telling me that we won't.

"Okay I got it!" Kristen said cutting me off from my train of worry.

"Here now I can see the pictures" she said.

"Done!" She said.

"Wait done?" I asked.

"Yeah there's only two pictures here" she said looking to me. She opened a file on her desktop that he had put the pictures in and showed us them

"It's the one from last night. Me and Bri laughing at Harry's joke. The same one Wyatt left a note on" I said.

"So this one doesn't mean anything." She said she went to the next one

"It's a picture of a numbers" I said.

"Yeah. Maybe it's a clue? Maybe not for us... But we can use it as one. Here let me go print these pictures and we can keep all the evidence in a folder." Kristen said. We all nodded and she got up. I sat back down on the couch and sighed;running my hands over my face.

"It's gonna be alright Lou"

"I hope your right" I said. "I just need to sleep" I said. I laid down on Kristen's couch and closed my eyes.

"Alright Bud. Try not to think so hard" Nick said. Once we found out Bri was missing we got nick and told him.

"No promises" I said and then let the darkness take over my body.

{sorry it's so short guys}

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