stolen - Marry Me

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hi guys. hope ya enjoy!!



after a while of silence from the ended face time I placed louis' phone back in the console.

"why are you doing this?? you could have easily turned me over to him and then your family wouldn't be on the line. why do risk it all. for me??" I ask. he doesn't answer just looks at the dirt road ahead.

"God dammit Lou. answer me!!" I yell.

he just shakes his head.

"you want me to answer you?? well here you go. this is your answer. you've heard it all before"

"that's all? that I'm innocent and you don't want my family going into debt, and have all of our lives taken away??" I ask him.

he sighs and takes a hand through his hair.


"BECAUSE I L-" but he was cut off.


I scream as I see the back windshield crack as a bullet goes through it.

"what the actual fudge!" Louis days then turns around. I look and see that one of Wyatt's team members have found us. I get a voice call from Kristen. oh how I love Kristen.

"hello!" I say through it. we all have quickened in speed and lost them. but we aren't far.

"get out get out get out. quick!!". Louis says bolting out of the car.

I see Kristen looking at me and then I hear her through the phone saying

"get your bags and follow us"

I hang up and tell Lou. he grabs our bag and comes to my side. I slip the phone into my back pocket and look through the car for any thing we will need. I take the keys out and put them around my pointer finger, clutching them in my hand. I grab my purse and my dads hoddie. me and Lou run to the others and we all group together.

"does any one know where we are?" Harry asks. most of us shake our head.

"let me see. hold up." Niall says. he looks around and he conversates with Zayn.

"That way is the barn, that way is town, and that way leads to the woods." Liam points out.

"no I thought that way was the town" Niall adds.

" no. when I had to go out to get Bri, I had to go that way. so that way is town for sure" Louis says pointing.

"so then what's the way?" Harry asks.

"oh. okay. that leads to a highway leading some where I don't know. but there is a motel that I know of. mostly only construction workers sleep there because it's in the middle of nowhere. but i have hid an eight seater van on the way there. about fifteen minutes walk but we need to move fast. let's go follow Me" Zayn says then starts walking in that direction.

in order of our small group it would be zayn and Harry up front and then liam, Louis and I, then Niall And Kristen behind us. I bit the inside of my cheek and listened to the conversation that Lou and Li are having.

"but peanut butter is better!" Louis Argued.

"umm sorry lad but Ham and cheese sandwiches are the best" Liam opinionated.

Yes, that's a word.

"I'd hate to break it to you, but Liam??" I ask.


Stolen (Louis Tomlinsion FanFic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora