stolen - Freezing Van

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Liams POV

a little while after our Jason Derulo thing we all calmed down.

"is the heat on?? you know after all of this laughing its gotten a bit warmer" l say aloud.

Harry, Louis, and Niall all agree.

"say the ones with the muscle" Brianna adds.

" so you say I have muscles now??" Louis Asks her.

"no. ha I never said that forwards you." she says looking at him. she is not sitting to the left of Louis and he has his arm over her keeping her warm. Louis glares at her.

I pull out my phone and see I have four bars.

"do you guys have full bars too?" I asked them. every one but Zayn and Brianna pulled out their phone.

"I don't know Louis has my phone." she says staring up at him. he reaches into his front pocket and pulls out a iPhone with a blue case.

"yeah she has all. I have all." he says to me. "you have full bars." he says to Brianna. he slips her phone into his pocket and she glares at him until he gives it back to her.

"thanks." she says then puts it in her hoodie pocket.

"yeah. I have full too." Says Niall.

"same" Harry adds out. "

"same for me. are we close to a building Zayn? Harry?" Kristen asks.

Brianna's POV

"yeah. we're here. get out. I'll go get us a room." Zayn says. I look out a window and see police cars everywhere.

"woh. Kristen look." I say.

"Zaynn!!" she yells but he doesn't here us.

"ZAYNNNNNNNNN!!!" Me and Her yell. he comes back to the car and gives us a "what?"

"here. each of you take one. you know how yo use them??" she asks us each. we all nod. I take a pistol and pull out the magazine. (where the bullets sit. duhhhhhhh!!!! who doesn't know that. okay..... maybe I have a history with guns. haha. no not a bad one. X'D!!!!!) I see the gun is loaded and can be used at any needed time.

"what kind of bullets?" I ask.

"since when do know the parts of guns??" Niall asks.

"since when do you have a big mouth and a noisy nose?" I ask back

'ohhh' s are heard all and Niall laughs.

"my dad taught me when I was littler." I reply everybody nods but Lou. he already knows.

"they are the Kingferd Hills brand. (completely made up) why?" Kristen ask.

"oh. so it has ten loads unroll we need to put new rounds in okay." I confirm.

"yeah. but I don't have any more bullets" Kristen says. we all nod and Zayn speaks up.

"they sell those here I believe" he says.

Zayn gets up and hops out of the now room temperature van.

"you guys stay here. me and Harry will be back." Zayn says putting his gun in a gun holder and then attached it to his skinny jeans. we all do the same thing making sure the gun is hidden.

Harry hops out pulling his shirt down a little bit then sighs closing the door.

"c'mon. we will be back. stay here. don't get out." Zayn says to Harry and then to us closing the door so we aren't seen. I watch the police cars leave and enter as we wait for Zayn and Harry to come back. Bill comes and sits by me. Louis is talking to Liam and Kristen.

"you alright??" he asks.

"yeah. just this is all weird." I said making a face.

"yeah. this running away stuff is all new to us too." he says.

"but don't worry about it. we all have each other's backs." Liam buts in. Louis and Kristen nods too. just then Zayn and Harry come to the Van and open it. Zayn goes to the back and grabs all the bags. Harry lets us out and we all get in a line.

"here's your keys. room 1107 third floor." Harry says handing us all a key and then takes a share of bags.

"how.much are you spending. I can pay you back" in say to Zayn.

"love," he says looking at me.

"don't worry" he says. "this is my uncle's Hotel." he says and then walks towards the front door. I sigh and slip the key behind my phone case; glad that it actually fits. I put my phone into my back pocket of my light blue skinny jeans and put my hands in my hoodie. Louis took out my right hand and held it. giving it a small squeeze. making butterflies erupt in my stomach. I sent a smile his way and kept walking, not letting his hand brake from mine once. I caught the eye of Liam and he winked.

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