Stolen - Liam's Crush

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Briannas POV

"Talk about what?" Niall asked.

"Brianna" Wyatt said looking at me Zayn and Louis stepped in front of Me protectly.

"Awe! Is little Boyfriend protecting you?" Wyatt said.

"I'm not her boy friend"

"Stop it" I said after Lou.

"What do you need?" I asked


"well isn't that obvious, if you didnt-' I stoped my self remembering I said the same exact Thing when I got slapped.

"I see your cheek is better ya?"

"Get to the point Wyatt" Liam said annoyed.

"Well, aren't you going to Welcome me? Invite me for some tea?"Wyatt said.

Me and the other boys groaned in high annoyance.

"were sorry, Welcome! Have a seat. We are sorry that we have all of our familes lifes on the line right now. Would you like one or two sugars?" Kristen said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"Kristen! long time no see!" Wyatt said hugging her. his hands went to her butt and she jumped back. I saw Liam tence up beside me and I instanly knew why he was being so weird lately.

Liam likes Kristen. I would smile and blab on all about it but now's not the time. I put a hand on his shoulder and he looked at me. I shook my head saying it would be okay.

"You okay?" I whispered in his ear. Kristen was conversating with Wyatt and I could tell she was annoyed.

"I don't like what he just did to her" He whispered back.

"There's nothing you can do about it right now. sorry. I know you like her."

"How -"

"you fliched when he grabbed her and tensed when he said her name. its obvious, to me at least" I whispered smiling.

"Have you talked to her about it?" I asked him. he skook his head no so I squeezed his shoulder and went into the conversation.

LIAM LIKES KRISTEN!!!!!!! XO ;). Let's see what happens next. sorry so short of a chapter but I'm working on the next one and it should be up soon. Let's see kristen, do you like Liam back?

I'm changing Kriatens age, She used to be a charecter that was in her late twenties but I made her a teenager so yea, and also some one inboxed me about how old they all were so here ya go.

Brianna White- 19

Louis Tomlinson- 20

Zayn Malik- 24

Niall Horan- 19

Harry Styles- 21

Liam Payne- 19

Kristen Snow- 18

Wyatt Hicks- 35

Matt Hicks- 48

Nick Mikell- 33

????? White- 4

Who is the last secret character? Well if you go back to when Lou and Bri first meet then you will find out. I put every thing in this book for a reason ya know ;). and if some of are two lazy then that's your problem, lol.

dedication to

-@ Batman_Superman_1D

-@ Shine_Forever

Go check out their page and give them a follow. You Know, If you follow @ Batman_Superman_1D then your following a charecter from this book. She plays Kristen ;).

Lol, Kristen your famous now ;) :)

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