Stolen - Kristen's Crush

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Briannas POV

after we all ate dinner Wyatt left with his crew members. the thought of robbing my dads bank was still lingering in my mind, and I couldn't get the thought through. I was still in shock staring at my hands, sitting on the couch.

"you alright" Lou asked. he was sitting next to me with his arm over my shoulder. we were watching

R.I.P.D right now with every body else. The lights were off and we were all on couches with blankets on us while our eye stared at the tv.

"no" I said. Lou kissed my hair and gave me a hug.

"Wanna talk about it?" he asked I nodded and stood up, Lou following my actions.

"Well where are you two going?" Harry asked wiggling his eye brows.

"To talk" I answered him

"About?" Harry asked.

"Naming our kids after you" I said with a smirk.

Harry jumped up and flung the blanket off of him self.

"Holy crap, really" He jumped.

"no idiot" Louis said folding the blanket we were recently using.

"I hate you"

"You love me" I said. he huffed and went back to the movie.

"Let's go" Lou said grabbing my hand.

he led me to our shared bed and sat up against the head board. I put my head in his lap and closed my eyes while he played with my hair. That's the thing he liked most about me, my hair. I bet that if he would have to change hair with anyone in the world, he'd pick mine in a heart beet.

"Open your eyes" Louis said.

" I love your eyes" he said. I followed his wishes and opened my eyes, looking into his.

"I thought you liked my hair more" I said looking at him.

"yes, I like your hair. but I love your eyes." I blushed and looked away,.but he moved my head so I had to look at him.

" and you nose and freckles, and your small pink lips that I want to kiss so bad but can't, and how your bangs fall out of your pony tail, and how your always biting your lip and it makes me go crazy.." He continues. we never brake eye contact while he lists off the things he loves about me.

"I love hearing you laugh and seeing you smile. Even tho I've only known you for a month, it feels like ages." he said. By now, I cant stop the blush going on my cheeks.

" ..and how you blush when I compliment you." he whispers. we are so close that our noses our almost touching. As I find myself leaning in a knock on our door makes us jump and bump heads.

"Come in" I say holding my head. I take a breath and shake my head at was about to happen. o was about to kiss Louis. Louis was about to kiss me. We were about to kiss each other. Thank God Kristen knocked on our door instead of barging in.

"um.. I know you guys are talking and every thing, but can I talk to you, Brianna?" Kristen asks me. I nod and Lou gets up. he walks to the door by Kristen and mouths "This isn't finished", before winking and closing the door.

"By the way I know that you guys were about to kiss" she says siting on Louis side of the bed.

"God, you guys have spent so much time sleeping in this that It smells like you. This smells like boy," she said then moved closer to me "and this smells like girl" She says moving back to Louis side. I laughed at her and rolled my eyes.

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