Feelings are Fatal

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One hour, or maybe two hours passed. Maybe more.. I walked around the place but nothing could take my mind off Patryk. I grabbed a cigarette and started to smoke.

After a few, my eyes became a little puffy and I stopped.

Someone in a white coat ran to me. They looked kind of like a doctor I guess. "Paul! Patryk's couscous now, but-"

"Thank you!"

I ran inside the building to the infirmary and went to check on Pat, but he wasn't there.. what the heck dude. I sprinted back to the person that told me that Pat was there.

"He is probably sitting somewhere in a bench outside but-"

"-*huff* You could've said that first. Thanks."

"Let me finish my sentence fir-"

Before he finished his sentence I ran quickly to the park in Section B and I saw a tall person in a red sweater with dark, silky, brown hair, sitting on a bench. His hair was waving by the wind in the air.

"Patryk!" I yelled as he stood up. I ran to him and hugged him from the back tightly. "I'm so so so sorry."

"It's ok Paul, I'm fine now." He replied as he clasped his hands with mine.

We both sat on the bench and started to talk.

"So do you want to walk around the place?" I asked.

"Not really, but we can if you want!" He replied with his face full of joy.

"Hmmm, well, I can go and ask Tord if we can go to my house quickly when we are finished talking okay?"

"Sure! So how are you feeling Pat?" I asked him.

"A little dizzy... my head hurts a bit Pau. Yet I feel fuzzy inside." He replied. "I'm just out here for fresh air."

"You know, I sometimes feel fuzzy too... hmmm. I just realized, it's usually when I'm around you. Why?" I looked down at my hands.

"Maybe... maybe it's what people call..."

"Love." We both said in sync as we looked at each other.

"D-Do you love me Pau? I know I do!" He smiled the brightest smile I've ever seen any human do before.

"Y-yes. I love you too Patryk!" I blushed as we hugged each other.

Pat looked at me and his eyes were twinkling.

"So- uh... what do we do? Do we kiss?" He asked

"I g-guess so because that's what people usually do in m-movies, but I don't kno-"

"That's enough information for a kiss."

(Third POV)

The taller male leaned forward and both of their faces were close to each other. Paul quickly gave him a peck on the lips out of nervousness, but right when he backed up, Pat cupped Paul's cheeks and kissed him back.

(Patryk's POV)

"I guess that, my feelings are fatal for you." I whispered in his ear.

And THE END! Will I ever make a sequel? Most likely not! I am really bad with writing romance so I'm sorry if you didn't like the ending ;w;.

I had to push myself to actually finish a book for once. After multiple thoughts of discontinuing it, I actually finished it! Thank you for staying from the beginning until the end.

Feelings are Fatal  {Paultryk or Paupat} (COMPLETED!!)Where stories live. Discover now