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(Pat's POV)

As I was looking at the big, white, schedule board that had all the events, lots of other soldiers were bumping into me. I wasn't the only one there. After a long time, I finally found his job! A pilot and a medic.

Yes! I got a job, not one, but two! I need to tell Paul quickly!

I just realized he is with Tord and I has to wait for him to come back.

I was just sitting on the floor scrolling through my phone while waiting for Paul. Eventually, someone from the intercom started to talk.

"Ahem. Testing, 1... 2... ahah! It's working! Ok, well anyways, most of you should be the new recruits! Well, I'm Calvin and this message is going through all of the speakers. So don't worry if you are not near the front desk." A man with blue squared glasses, blond hair that was curled and ruffled, with the army uniform, was standing on the desk talking through a microphone.

"So I'm going to explain your missions to you. When you go on a mission, it's like a fantasy video game. The medic or doctors or nurses will be the healing wizard, the snipers will be the archers, the people that are spies are like the ninjas and so forth. The thing that you shouldn't treat it like a game, is going on a killing spree. If you do that, you might shoot your comrade.
And oh boy! You wouldn't want to do that. So, about ten soldiers that have been working here for quite a while will accompany you guys. I also got a question from lots of you about getting paid."

He paused and pushed back his glasses.

"It depends what job you have. I don't really know how it works, but it's usually I think £136.60 ($181.00)- £1154.08 ($1,531.50) every month. I dunno. And that's all everyone! You can presume to your activities."

"Patryk! *huff* There you are!" Pau finally found me in the big sea of people. "Our-*huff* first mission is tomorrow. So let's finally grab your uniform from the sewing room. You've checked on it right?"
Paul asked while heavily breathing. Putting both hands on knees.

"Yup! I'm a pilot and medic! So I can help you fly the plane." Patryk smiled.

"Good! Well let's go get your uniform."

T H I S   C H A P T E R  W A S  

——————————T H I S   C H A P T E R  W A S   R U S H E D

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So imma just keep drawing the new soldier every time a new one comes so you can have an idea of how they look. I forgot to draw Amanda at the time, so here ya go. :3

And here's Calvin! I tried to do a mini comic on the right side of the picture lol

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And here's Calvin! I tried to do a mini comic on the right side of the picture lol. ALSO CALVIN LOOKS LIKE A TOTAL GIRL ;-; HE'S A BOI BUT IT WAS HARD DOING A HAIRSTYLE LIKE HIS AND IT MADE HIM LOOK LIKE A GIRL.

Sorry that I have really bad hand writing 😓

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