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"No, no, no you won't. I swear." I said sternly. We were running to one of the Red Army jets that just landed as we were running from zombies.

The dust that was propelling from the jets started to get into our eyes while our hair was waving out of control.

"Paul, we are almost there!" Tiffany huffed.

We ran to the jet and got others to help out with Pat. Other people were coming into the jets with other injured soldiers. I just watched as one by one got in.

Tap tap tap (footsteps)

"Everyone, we are retreating!" Tord yelled loudly.

"Did I just hear him say that we are leaving now?" Pat coughed.

"We have no chance against them Pat. Especially when we weren't prepared and underarmed." I replied. "You need to rest Patryk."


A few minutes passed and everyone- well, that was alive, went in the jets. The whole time we were flying I was holding Pat's hand as he was huffing to stay alive.

I wasn't flying the plane. Someone else was so I could be with Pat. Tiffany did patch him up temporarily so he wouldn't be in as much pain and so he could last longer. But it was hard to see a loved one to be in so much pain and you can't do anything about it. Beads of tears fell from the corner of my eyes down my chin at the thought.

"Patryk, I didn't promise you this, I'm really sorry." I cried.

"*cough* it's fine, we can go back to your place after this.. also, you have a big scar *cough* near your eye. Are you okay?"

"I guess so." I wiped my tears with my blue sleeve. "It doesn't hurt. I think."

Even though I did feel pain, I may have also been bleeding, I saw that he started to tear up and I decided to wiped his face with a napkin.

"We should go to the park that's nearby your home Paul!" He tried to change the subject with a smile. Lightening the mood... I like that.

"Yeah, yeah we should. Once you get better." I happily replied.

(Time skip)

When we landed, us, the ones that were still fine, helped take the injured soldiers to the infirmary.

I couldn't bare to watch him any longer so I took a walk around the base to relieve myself. I guess I really did have feelings for him.. I just didn't want to admit it. Heh.

Feelings are Fatal  {Paultryk or Paupat} (COMPLETED!!)Where stories live. Discover now