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(Patryk's POV)
I popped open the cap carelessly with my finger.

"Wow! How did you do that?" Paul asked surprised. He was placing the camera and pressed the recording button.

"I watched my dad open it before. I'm pretty surprised that it worked for the first time!" I replied.

"Ok! It's recording now!" Paul placed the camera on the table in front of us. The camera lens was facing towards us. The camera was beeping red every 2 seconds.

I took one sip.

"Erk! Bleh! My throat feels like it's burning! Is this normal Paul?"
"Yeah, it's normal. You'll get used to it." Paul reassured me.

He opened the bottle with a corkscrew while I just took sips. 1 sip, 2 sips.. 3 s.....

(No one's POV)

PauI finally opened the bottle and started chugging down.
"Hey P-ppat! H-how'z you're-hic* day?" Pau hiccuped.


"Y-hic* you look very cute today." Flirted Paul.

"Are you saying I'm n-never-hic* cute?" Pat cried.

"N-n-no! You are always cute!" Pau exclaimed.
"I-I got bullied when we w-were younger though!"
Patryk started to form tears at the end of his eyes.

Pau started crawling towards Pat. He gently placed both of his hands on Pat's face and wiped the tear that formed on Pat's face.

"You were always cut-hic* Pat..."

"Y-you're only saying that because we are friends! That's what f-f-friends do! Right?"

"Best f-hic* friends." Pau corrected.
"Give me a-hic* hug!"

The two friends were hugging. One comforting and the other crying.

"W-we all need to express o-hic* our feelings! Right?" Pau patted Pat gently on his back. He was comforting and rubbing his hand back and forth on Patryk's back.
Pat started to calm down a little and started to get a little drowsy from all his tears.

"Shh, shh, it will all be alright-hic*."
Paul shushed.
Paul began to sing riptide to sooth Patryk a little more.

"I was scared of dentists and the dark. I was scared of pretty girls and starting conversations.~" Paul sung. Even though he had a somewhat strong accent, it sounded perfect.

"Oh, all my friends are turning green.. You're the magician's assistant in their dreams." He continued.

His words were fading out as Paul was falling asleep same as Patryk.

"Ohhh, ooh, and they come unstuck..."




Feelings are Fatal  {Paultryk or Paupat} (COMPLETED!!)Where stories live. Discover now