Make Him Join Then!

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(Tord's POV)
Wow, I just killed my old commander I thought to myself.

His blood was splattered all over the floor. A lifeless body with eyes open lying on the floor. My hands were soaked in blood. Red, crimson blood

Now, now I have (🎵I have the power~🎶) power! I can take over the world! But first I do need to get my giant robot from Edd's house. Tch, who needs friends when I've got power? .....I need to contact Paul and inform him that I am the new commander.

I went to the nearest restroom and washed my hands. The blood of his were going down the sink's drain.

I dried my hands and went back to the room.

I started to mop the floor and transfer the blood to a bucket. Need to hide the evidence. I went and checked the halls again and went to the restroom and dumped the blood in the toilet.

"Hey Jim?" I heard nearby.

FAEN! People are near!

I locked myself in the stall I dumped the blood in.

"Yeah Jake?"
"Have you seen the leader? It's supposedly time for us to do our guarding shift and I haven't heard anything from him. Do you think something happened?"

"That old guy probably died or something." Jim joked while washing his hands.

.....Jim didn't lie.

"Haha, yeah....." Jake agreed.

Their voices faded out with footsteps fading too, I guess they left.

I went back to the room and locked the door. I got my phone from my pocket and started dialing Paul.

"Hey Paul?" "Yes Tord? I can't really talk right now... Pat is in my hou-" "TOO SOON PAUL!" I blurted out.

"N-no! I-it's not l-li-like that Tord!" Paul began to stutter. "Paul, who's that?" I heard another voice on the line.

"Uh, a family member!" He lied "Oh, ok! You seemed to stutter a lot, is everything ok?" Patryk asked innocently.

"Yup!" "Ok..." "Just wait inside my house Pat. There is bread on the counter for you to eat."

"Tord! What the heck?!" Pau silently-yelled at me. "Paul, this is something important!"

"Is it that important to embarrass me?" "Yes." I replied sternly.

"Fine, what is it?" He sighed.

"I'm the new Leader of the Red Army and I need you here!" An awkward pause came after that. I guess Paul needed a few seconds to hear what I just said "How, and why?!" He asked excitedly.

"Oh, uhhhhhhhhh... It's kind of a long story but to make it short, I was selected to be the new commander and I NEED you to be here Pau."

"Neuken...." Paul mumbled silently "But Tord! I can't leave Patryk alone at MY house!"

"Why don't you make him join the Red Army then?"

Feelings are Fatal  {Paultryk or Paupat} (COMPLETED!!)Where stories live. Discover now