With that, he went and sat down again, Namjoon following, as the two survivors began to gauge as much food as the could hold out of the mountain on their plates. After a while, they had both stopped and were sitting stiffly. 

Hoseok, who had joined the table with Yoongi, looked at them.

"You guys ok?"

"Um, I don't know," Jungkook admitted, glancing and Taehyung, "My stomach feels weird."

"Mine too," Tae agreed.

The for olders gave each other looks before they burst out laughing.

"It's called being full," Yoongi explained when they had all calmed down.

"Oh," Jungkook replied simply.

"That's... new," Taehyung mumbled, glancing at the leftover food on his plate.

When they were all done, Namjoon showed them around. He showed them the main hallways and some small ones, the most important rooms, and most of the exits. He explained he'd leave the rest for them to explore on their own, and that they were welcome to do so whenever they felt like it. After the inside tour, which Taehyung had ended up piggybacking Jungkook for most of, Joon led them to the roof and pointed to important pieces of the property. The stables, the fountains, the gardens, and the woods. Finally, his tour was finished.

As they retreated to the dining room at 11:45, Jungkook glanced at Namjoon.

"Dude, you basically live in a palace."

Namjoon laughed.

"I inherited this property as well as a great fortune from my parents," He explained.

They had finally reached the dining room and settled down to eat lunch. 


[a/n: Warning; stop here unless you have plenty of time to read, a lot happens in the next part]

After another large meal, they got ready to leave. They drove to the Town Center in Namjoon's SUV and found their way to a cafe to meet Jimin. Taehyung and Jungkook stuck close to each other as they made their way into the small store. They hadn't been in a public place with so many people in a long time; so, naturally, even the small number of people in the cafe made them nervous. They made their way to a small table and waited.

Eventually, a short young man pranced into the shop and scanned the area with his eyes. When his eyes fell across the table where Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jungkook, and Taehyung sat waiting, the smile he wore grew brighter. 

"Hey! What's up? I haven't seen you in forever!" He exclaimed as he approached them.

"Hey, Jimin. Good to see you," Namjoon said, giving the shorter a bro hug.

"Oh, who's this?" Jimin asked when his eyes fell across the two survivors, though his smile stayed bright and welcoming.

"They," Namjoon said, his voice getting a bit quieter, "Are the survivors."

They all when silent for a moment. Jimin's jaw dropped and his hand flew to his mouth, his eyes growing big and round.

"Oh my gosh..." He whispered, "You are the survivors? You are the two people spotted in the apocalyptic town? The cause of the frantic rescue operation and the hope of everyone?"

"We didn't get out unharmed... but yes. I suppose we survived the apocalypse," Jungkook replied.

Jimin's eyes darted to his crutches and then back to him.

The Survivors | Taekook [✔]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें